
Hemi Twingo?

Maybe its just me but I dont pay any attention to the hard plastics. I dont do leather interior ever. Too damn hot in the south. I just make sure I can heel toe the pedals, the seats are comfy, and the shifter is in a comfy spot.

It’s also a movie in which a man gets sprayed with fluid and turns into an alien providing him with the ability to pilot a mech that blows up people’s heads.

Aw shit. The comments on this one are going to be good. Who’s going to stick their foot in their mouth first? Come on, guys. Don’t let me down.

Like this?

This is a respectable read of the situation—and an excellent look at the distinction in focus when it comes to violence between the films in question.

I still bridle at his willing hand-waving of his own nation’s atrocities (and the depictions of violence, sexism, and casual racism in Japanese media), but at least as

As someone who likes all of the works he cites, I respect that.

While I have concerns with the scope and support structure for some of the policy proposals coming out of the progressive left wing of the Democrat party, this suggestion right here is one I can readily and happily get behind.

I just recently moved north from Kentucky, and Google Fiber was absolutely going to be transformative for the Louisville/Louisville Metro area.

The promise of Google’s capacity to change the way we interface with internet technology is staggering.  It’s their ability to deliver consistently and over sustained periods

I loved the first couple AC games, thank you for reminding this old man about that series!

yeah i need one Real Bad tbh

Honestly, it’s stuff like this:

Hard to hear, too.

Half-Life 1 was sort of Pre-Fall or currently in-fall, Half-Life 2 was Post Fall. Deus- Ex as a series might be an example of this, although that series tends to involve preventing an upcoming societal downfall. Point still made though, very few Pre-Fall science fiction games. They do tend to require more leg work in

The color scheme’s appropriate. It’s Eva Unit 01, and it’s going berserk.


I bought a gun *skin* that turned my stuff tie-dye. As far as I know, you can’t just buy weapons with microtransactions in this game. I looted the gun from a chest and unlocked the perks for the scope because I’m a GAMER yo. But go off or whatever if it makes you feel better.

I’m actually in favor of this. I’m so tired of listening to people set off their car alarms.

A couple of things to consider (this ended up being a longer post than I thought it would; I know, a long-winded Arnheim post—shocking):

1.) Most people don’t understand that argument—at least in the academic sense—is an intellectual exercise as often as it’s intended to actually shift a person’s perspective on a given