
See, it’s comments like these that irk rural voters and push them to vote more Republican. They think the ubiquitous “Left” dismisses them and their concerns out of hand. 

Maybe try talking to people outside of your immediate bubble. Location of residency is not a meaningful indicator of education nor cultural acumen.

Didn’t the Avalanche do this like 10-15 years ago? Or am I mis-remembering?

5000 Soldiers bored off their asses raking gravel in the desert months at a time for the SGM, all because of a political stunt. I do not envy them. 

Oh god, 3-peeners. You have a few in the Army but they get made fun of pretty often. I’m not surprised that a 3-peener group is advocating violence. Bunch of self-righteous and dangerous militia wannabees with delusions of a grand revolution some day.

(For the uninformed: III/Three Percenters = 3-peeners) 

I always feel bad that my 1988 Fiero GT has faded paint, that some of the bodywork doesn’t line up, that the sail windows are spidered. I know I should accept and love what I have, but I always want it to look its best. I don’t know how to get around that. 

Even a limited hp car can be dangerous - see me at 16.

While in a similar situation (33, with a ‘13 Focus ST) I’ll be looking in a couple years. I got the car in ‘15 with 33k miles, I’m now at 104k. I drive a lot. I got the ST1 and I’d like something a little nicer. I’ll end up probably looking at a Challenger SRT, Veloster N, or an SS if i can find one. I might be

Oh there’s asshole cougars aplenty in RDR2. I’ve encountered only 1 outside of a quest, and I was dead before I had time to draw. Gonna hunt that cat down tonight. 

Odessa and the lady that gives you the Huntress quests are also possible romances.

Any more? No bluetooth: old. Not a DD car for me. I drive too much, and BT is much much safer to take calls with. 

Or: If your average 25 year old mechanic doesn’t know where the engine is. Or how to drive a short-shifter stick. (Same car.)(Fiero)

Having finished AC: Odyssey this week - well - the three main campaigns, anyway, I’m working on my Steam backlog. First up: Invisible, Inc. Intro is nice, not sure how the full game will go but it seems intriguing so far. Wish me luck!

Not one Fiero?

Damn, we gotta step up our representation. Quintessential 80s GM right there.

I’m really surprised I haven’t seen a Fiero in any of the Radwood pictures yet.

It’s quintessential 80s.

Maybe it’s because we (Fiero owners) are all poor as dirt keeping them alive lol. 

Weird. Because in the Army, it’s expressly unauthorized to “cannibalize”aircraft, for use in other aircraft.

I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, but it’s usually small components (in my experience.) Switches, a door handle, maybe a radio. But a tail rotor drive shaft or APU? Gotta order it. 

I had an 88 4cyl Fiero base model as my first car back in 2001. Did a lot of dumb stuff too in HS. As we get older, we get better, faster cars.

Some of us just don’t grow up and mature at the same time, it seems.

(But I bought an 88 Fiero GT because rebuying youth or some such shite...)

Anybody want to help me with my constant-project/restoration 1988 Pontiac Fiero GT?

I’m currently going to be doing all-poly bushings for both upper and lower control arms, and the steering rack passenger bushing.

Any takers?


I think Maddy was referring the Blackbird from Chrono Trigger. It was the Kingdom of Zeal’s airship fortress thing. Built by Belthazar and commanded by Dalton.

My first car, and my first automotive love, was a 1988 Pontiac Fiero. Mind you, it was a 4cyl base-model with GMs horrendous 3 speed auto, a/c that didn’t work, and manual everything, but damn was it still fun for a 16 year old kid to work on and drive. Lot of firsts in that car, to include first wreck, ticket, and

Thank you oh gate-keeper of wingadinga for your late middle-aged hot take.

That “prescribed for helicopters” bit is additional. Basically, if maps or FAA tells you this is the minimum altitude, that is absolute. This publication from the FAA clarifies it a bit, denoting it as an “and,” then stating how helicopters can legally operate below fixed-wing altitudes.