I guess everyone here missed the (apparently) crappy psych joke I was making.
I guess everyone here missed the (apparently) crappy psych joke I was making.
I guess everyone here missed the (apparently) crappy psych joke I was making.
I wonder what his thought process was behind not modding it?
I read "A hybrid version and M Sport package will arrive in 2012," as "A hybrid version of the M Sport package will arrive in 2012," and I just about shit myself.
Looks to me like she has on those obnoxiously long press-on nails.
So does the kit come with the pot to smoke while you build it or do you have to buy that separately?
Inside Sim Racing's review of this wheel. May be a little more in-depth than you need, but man is it cool looking.
Meanwhile, mexico's drug lords are having a party!
50 Years of F1, 32 Champions
6th Gear: Unions can actually reduce dead weight loss created by a monopsony (a single buyer facing many sellers) by bargaining to increasing the wage of workers. In essence, the higher wage has the monopsony hire more people at a higher wage. The monopsony will lose some of its profit, but there will be more workers…
Yeah, the farmhouse frat parking lot is always filled with pickups. It's a rare sight to see anything but a pickup in that lot.
sounds like a diesel semi truck to me. I'll stick with the current V8.
They were accused of cheating because they had apparently put $2000 of their own money into the cash drawer.
I think there needs to be a "be" in the title: "Watch a full size ford explorer BE built out of legos"
The reflash that will be required to take better advantage of the exhaust will include a sound update I guess... Seems really odd to me.
Did you sell it? Cause if you still have it you'll now be getting a div and it can only be (at worst) around half of what you paid for it.