
I guess everyone here missed the (apparently) crappy psych joke I was making.

I guess everyone here missed the (apparently) crappy psych joke I was making.

I wonder what his thought process was behind not modding it?

I've been waiting until I enter the workforce to buy a second hand STi (04-07) but a quick look on ebay makes me think I am going to have to pay a premium for an unmolested one.

I read "A hybrid version and M Sport package will arrive in 2012," as "A hybrid version of the M Sport package will arrive in 2012," and I just about shit myself.

3rd Gear: You've got some big shoes to fill Toyota.

Looks to me like she has on those obnoxiously long press-on nails.

So does the kit come with the pot to smoke while you build it or do you have to buy that separately?

Now playing

Inside Sim Racing's review of this wheel. May be a little more in-depth than you need, but man is it cool looking.

"Second, I'm not so sure that several auto companies, each bargaining with a single labor-selling entity, the UAW, amounts to a monopsony. To the contrary, were it not for right to work states, one could argue that the UAW is a monopoly. "

Meanwhile, mexico's drug lords are having a party!

Meanwhile, mexico's drug lords are having a party!

50 Years of F1, 32 Champions

6th Gear: Unions can actually reduce dead weight loss created by a monopsony (a single buyer facing many sellers) by bargaining to increasing the wage of workers. In essence, the higher wage has the monopsony hire more people at a higher wage. The monopsony will lose some of its profit, but there will be more workers

Yeah, the farmhouse frat parking lot is always filled with pickups. It's a rare sight to see anything but a pickup in that lot.

sounds like a diesel semi truck to me. I'll stick with the current V8.

They were accused of cheating because they had apparently put $2000 of their own money into the cash drawer.

I think there needs to be a "be" in the title: "Watch a full size ford explorer BE built out of legos"

The reflash that will be required to take better advantage of the exhaust will include a sound update I guess... Seems really odd to me.

Did you sell it? Cause if you still have it you'll now be getting a div and it can only be (at worst) around half of what you paid for it.