
They've had it since Australia, but either haven't been using it in races or have been having problems with it. Just this past weekend in Spain Speed's coverage of the race had radio communication between Vettle and the pits in which Vettle was instructed to not use it for a period and then told it was 'okay' to use

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The video was good except for ONE thing... the music during the lap! This is how it should have been done.

At 0:28, the driver just simply steps out of the car... Aren't you supposed jump with both feet to avoid making yourself the 'ground' and thus getting shocked to shit? I know this is what they're told to do in the KERS equipped cars of F1.

So does this car always set of church bells when it drives by or was that just a coincidence? Because for whatever reason, it seemed quite appropriate. It's as if God was saying, "Lest ye forget the EB110!"


This car sure has been getting a lot of attention lately. Looks like it was designed by aliens, suggested to be the most beautiful ugly car, a car I personally regret lusting after, and now it seemed like a good idea at the time!

I was thinking that this everyday lambo would be something that was is more easy to go about town in but still extravagant. Like a 4 door FF.

The SVX was already voted to be designed by aliens last week. That H6 highway crusier can't handle that much attention.

I didn't know autocar was run by aliens.

I thought we were actually going to see a full 2264 mi condensed into 2 minutes. We really only saw less than 1 mi of transport.

And as far as I know you can only get a manual on the ZR-1 too. Just seems sad to me that Best Motoring has apparently done away with this great shot since manual boxes are becoming more and more rare.

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what happened to all of the foot shots?? I don't have a foot fetish but I love watching these guys heel toe... wait... nothing left to heel toe here.

I tried to post a pic of M. Webber taking his RBR into space as well to prove that he's an alien, but nibbles wouldn't have it.

And a hat tip to you good sir!

Nevermind, nibbles didnt like that pic.

Can't say I blame the guy... I feel like that after a 32 oz monster. At least I know to use GTA IV...

Sounds like this guy was filming from an Eagle's nest full of little chicks.

Tesla is going to go under, and it won't be due to the fact that their cars are so-so. The killer will be the declining value of ZEV credits. They sell a crap ton of them now, and as major car manufactures start producing ZEV's and no longer need to buy the credits from Tesla, the credits will become worthless and

I went on youtube to try and find a clip of an STi with an HKS ehxaust that sounded good so that I would feel a bit sad at this news.... I'm not sad.