
I thought that picture was of a bent sway bar.

I thought that picture was of a bent sway bar.

Would this be a dealership along the West Putnam Ave. stretch of dealerships??? I've been out there and stalked just about every dealership along that stretch, and I have a pretty good idea as to which one you wokred at...

"I was straightening out, I am a hero, I am…. At that moment the rear end snapped around the opposite direction and put me right into the guardrail, hard."

@Dawgvet06: Yeah, I watched an asian in a Prius parallel park the other day. I was expecting a real mess and multiple failed attempts. BUT, to my great surprise, first try it was perfect and they even used their turn signal.

Keep fighting the good fight!

@cmdrfire: that's because everyone who is mad about it got moved to "thenursery"

I don't see why everyone is up in arms about this. She's referencing a story that was posted just a few days ago and actually got the info Wert wanted.

Looks like someone ate the brown acid to me...

@SpikeJnZ - Ninja For Hire: Thank you! Finally, someone gets it! I watch that show and just become pissed! They say nothing clever or original and anything they do tell you about the car could be found on in 1 minute on the car co's web site. Show is total rubbish and is filmed like someone with a camcorder at a track

Well at least we know Ms. Moto likes cars more than most anything:

@Fast_Nel: so she's going to poop out the baby?

Is it weird that I can safely say I like the smell of those farts?

I hope they do the top speed test run with all 23 seats filled. 'Mericans too, just to get a conservative number.

I've always preferred 'tight as a nun,' but "tight as a mennonite on her wedding night" has a lovely ring to it.

That top picture almost (those two other wheels just need to come up a little bit!) looks like a pirate riding a unicycle to me