
hooob, you know what, that is a good thing. You have 13 European seasons (ie shorter seasons but the episodes are longer cause less ads intended) in front of you. Of cause some episodes are lame but most are rocksolid and fun to watch.

Great show. Check it out, especially the earlier seasons (before they moved to USA).

If you ever get to, you’ll love it, I don’t get velocity and not sure if it streams anywhere, so I only get to watch it when I’m staying in a hotel.

I learned to appreciate DOZENS of cars I’d never be exposed to because of the sheer variety they’ve had on the show. A VW Bus one week, a Lancia the next, a Mustang the following, and then a 2CV and a Messerschmitt for good measure.

Now playing

I recently discovered it and it is wonderful and a breath of fresh air from the usual car shows. Really, Mr. Torchinsky nails it. Mr China will sit down on the show and go over step by step what is needed to fix a particular piece of a car. This clip is a great example of his work: how to replace the drive motor on an

Parachute, poorly faked death.

Fun Fact! This is called “Environmental Testing” and it is done by most major automotive, defense, aerospace, and electronic companies to ensure products can resist the loads, temperatures, vibrations, and impacts of their intended operation. The entire industry sprang from untested failures happening on the


While Bald Head does use carts for the people who live on the island, they are still being operated on actual roads with speed limits, where both emergency responders as well as the public transportation (trams) to get to/from the ferry are actual vehicles. These roads are also typically highly used by people on

I’ll watch that shit show.

They should use another track in addition to the ring. If they win both, they would hold the coveted ‘two roads, one cup’

Why is this thing almost 20k?

Time for an Insurance Discount for all Manual’s the least annoying anti-theft device out there.

Is it tiring having to couch every fucking thing in terms of liberals vs conservatives?

You are excessively wrong.

I would not put it past them. Gordon Murray once did something similar back in his F1 (not that F1) days:

While unions had their place back in the day, I think it has been proven very well by Toyota, Nissan, Mercedes, BMW and VW at their American plants that you can pay a living wage, benefits and bonuses without the burdensome overhead of a union. Maybe Musk should do a COLA adjustment, but otherwise I don’t think a

new miami? so florida man strikes again, but in ohio?

Why not just NOT have fake tips not attached to the pipes?