
I am not sure why I haven’t been able to adequately explain the issue to you, and I’m sorry for that. Additionally, you’ve now accused me of being a “bigoted [sic] knucklehead”, which is odd considering how clearly I stated how much I wish the world worked the way you imagine it does. If you truly feel better when you

welp, I’m going to nip off and shoot myself, bbl

I’m not sure how I was “answering for [you]” by replying to you, but I’ll try again to make clear my issue with your statements. There are two problems with your stance.

It’s good to know I’m not the only person who feels this way about the “sharing economy” bullshit from places like AirBnB and Uber. It IS a brilliant coup that lets companies utterly ignore all of those pesky employment and safety laws.

Or just book a hotel instead of helping these sociopaths tear apart regulations meant to safeguard and protect the community as a whole.

If you won’t rent to a person of color, then you don’t get to rent. Simple as.

That would be illegal under the Civil Rights act to deny a service based on race.

Then they don’t have to sign-up. I think most people interested in making this extra money or using it as a way to generate income, won’t give a shit if their soft racism is gotten around by AirBnB regs.

She only rents to women, for personal safety reasons. According to what you just wrote, Airbnb could go after her for gender discrimination.

And frankly, for 54, shes pretty attractive in that long-lanky-blond kinda way. If we could some how transplant a brain into that, I so would.

If this article is indicative of the quality of new Jezebel articles... then I will be very, very happy to come back to this site. Kudos on a broad-reaching - yet personal - discussion of a tricky topic.

It’s a weird world I find myself in where games in particular are not allowed to be nuanced AT ALL. They’re either dismissed as “shit” or they’re “awesome”.

This is hardly a new idea, or an idea that Perhach invented. The original idea is called having Fuck You money (or Screw You money); as in, if your boss micromanages you, you can tell him “fuck you” and go. The best advice is to have at least a year’s worth of expenses saved up for it, in case finding a job proves

I just don’t find the act of copying a canvas to be enjoyable.

I actually agree. As far as crimes go, this was pretty harmless. Nobody got hurt, no damage was done, and cleanup finished in under a minute with only a napkin.

Just like Star Citizen, everyone who backed is entitled to ask for a refund at this point.

Eventually, I think, this primary is going to have to start adhering to some normal rules, and one of those is that people with no money can’t continue to play, and I don’t think Donald’s going to put up much of his own money to stay in the game.

From everything I’ve seen though, it’s not about arrogance. The guys he had were actually trying to win a race, while Carson and Williams just want to raise money and filter it back into direct mail fundraising so they can skim fees.

“Obviously this is correct because we all know the only reason Hollywood is dominated by white men is because white men are the only creative people on Earth who know how to make films real, real good.”

This is a fantastic article, and evokes more than a bit of melancholy as I remember what we’ve all lost. Sure, content is free now. Anyone can be a “journalist” (read: blogger) or a published writer. We can get our news for free from a thousand different sources.