
And let’s not forget 53% of white women voted for Trump. And 63% voted for Roy Moore in Alabama.

No you didn’t just put ScarJo on blast. Tell that

Agreed. As a good friend of mine said re: White women and their march: You were in on the heist; you just didn’t like your cut.

spot damn on!

To the people who will say “he’s only one of a few police who feel this way...most police aren’t racist”

Viola Davis is brave, she’s fierce, she dares to be vulnerable, she’s loving and at 52, she is also a woman who is running out of fucks to give. Inspiration indeed.

Her speech was raw and real. I hope it stays in our hearts and inspires our continued actions.

Sometimes it is not good to give away your trade craft or cultural secrets. In business there is competition. Unfortunately in America, we praise individualism and frown upon collectivism. It is all about the individual, who has the most money or who has the most assets. Apple would never give up its secrets to

One day black women must realize that the white woman is not your sister. Your circumstances aren’t the same, nor is she your friend. As you all are bearing witness with the women’s march, when issues that directly affect you are raised, the crowds get noticeably quiet. The stealing of black culture for finacial gain

Have no real interest in watching it because I have grown tired of every aspect of black culture being looked at like a frog dissection. For real our Greek Life and traditions are nothing like what white sororities and frats do, on some levels not all I’m not that naive, so I don’t think a film where a black scholar

Love a good dance flick. BUT-

I feel like she’s too good for a movie like this. Maybe I’m just turned off because I have an allergy to sorority girls, but...I’m not feeling it (from the trailer).

No. This is magical negro bullshit. Make the world better by teaching white girls some Black people shit. Might as well call it The Help: College Years. Or Bring It On: Just For The Hell Of It. Double thumbs down if at any point someone utters “You Go Girl.”

What if the ham sandwich is drenched in mayo?

Schumer gets money because she’s bland as fuck, doesn’t upset anyone but people with a fucking sense of humour, and is so entry-level that ingrates upset by jokes with any edge to them can laugh at her “jokes”.

I would say to general audiences Schumer is more relevant (or was recently).

I remember a sociology professor I was talking to at something or other discussing the reverse migration and the causes. Economics seems to be a big one, as the Midwest and Rustbelt continue to die off, and rising costs of living, especially with the hip cities. I know that Houston, Dallas, and San Antonio have been

Things white people love: outdoor sports, taking their dogs everywhere, patronizing legal weed shops, dining al fresco, cute winter accessories, the “wellness” lifestyle. Colorado was practically wizard-crafted to draw us in.

His music is very generic catchy pop music with an ‘urban’ twist. I don’t get why ppl go up for him so hard, he’s very mediocre in terms of vocal ability (the straining ohmygod) and dancing. I think a lot of it is folks’ minds being clouded by nostalgia, but the original black artists did it better so...I mean yea, he

You’re 100% wrong. And if we are being honest why would you want to initiate sex with someone who isn’t 100% into it? My partner not being into it would make me soft (sorry). I would’t “go harder to the hole than I should have” cuz that sounds like rape. On my first date with my fiancee (pictured above) we went back