
In my opinion, Rose is actually the most evil of everyone in her family and the Red Templars. Why? Because she engages in RELATIONSHIPS with these men (and at least one woman): she becomes part of their lives, pets their dogs and cats, becomes friends with their friends, tells them she loves them and makes them

Initially Peele did want the real cops to show up and have Chris arrested for murder at the end - he said so on Another Round. He decided the film needed a more upbeat ending though, so he went with Rod showing up. My theater blew up with joy when Rod got out of the car, so I think he made the right call.

Rose and her family weren’t Trump supporters.

The sad thing is, these idiot White people created the market. If you don’t rent a one bedroom apartment for 2gs a month in a walk-up (?), the landlord will have to lower the rent if he wants to make any money at all.

Oh, totally. Sheer terror! I was sure he was going to get blamed for everything that had happened, and I truly believed that might be how Peele ended it. And he could have! One of the greatest truths about horror is that it doesn’t have to have a happy ending. But Peele was smart not to do so, as it would have been

I agree—Allison was a terrific monster. That moment when her eyes change? God, I was so enraptured by it and truly scared. Prior to this film, I thought she was just another well-connected white girl who was allowed to be in films and TV because she has a famous dad, and probably didn’t have any real talent. I knew

Yes, it’s all too easy for white people to only consider the klansmen and nazis as The Problematic Whites, when in reality the majority of them voted for the Trumps and the Moores. One of my favorite thoughts and under-my-breath utterances when I’m annoyed by white people is to declare them to be Trump voters.

Funnily enough, Jordan Peele (the director of Get Out) will also be producing the TV adaptation of Lovecraft Country, a book that examines the racism of the US through the lens of Lovecraft’s horror fiction.

Just FYI, Armitage was the name of the protagonist in The Dunwich Horror, by the notoriously racist HP Lovecraft, in which the family scion turns into a monster and terrorizes the village. It’s one of the only Lovecraft stories in which the hero actually defeats the monster.

Well done. I see echoes of Allison Williams’ anecdote everywhere. The latest example is the results of the Alabama Senate race — white women on Jezebel were tripping over themselves to distance themselves from the fact that 63% of white women voted for the racist pedophile (Um, it wasn’t college-educated women! It’s

God, I can’t even fathom anyone walking away from Get Out and not understanding that not only was Rose evil, but she was the most evil one of all. To me, that was so fucking clear. She is the one who knows all the right words to say, lures innocent people into her lair, and treasures her prowess by having a goddamn

Apropos of nothing, didn’t Allison Williams do a great job as a total monster? As poor old Chris was throttling Rose at the end (I’m being serious here - watch the film and you’ll see why), I was willing him to make sure she was DEAD, because she was such a terrifyingly ruthless, relentless fiend.

Anne, I have to say that usually I love the depth and analysis of your writing, but this piece was just...there was something more personal to it for me that really resonated.

Thank you for this.

Almost every bar dress code is an excuse to be racist.

You’re suggesting a group of discriminated people go en masse to a place that doesn’t want them there, order and eat the food, and pay or maybe not? Who is dumb enough to risk arrest and possible death via police because the fish tacos are tasty?  

Bun B got involved with something similar here in Houston, even called out the Black bouncer on being a tool for white supremacy.

You’re on the right side but unfortunately too many of your kind are either complacent or complicit.

This isn’t just one establishment in D.C. This is restaurants/bars/clubs in every “upscale area” in every major city. White flight and anti-blackness are like peanut butter and jelly. White women always feel threatened around too many urbans (read:not white). When white women stop patronizing an establishment, white

Those bouncers need to be slapped upside the head with my 10 year old Nike’s.