
8We can have multiplexities. (Coined by Aaron McGruder as Grandad.) This Earth is also for us, also contains us.

Sigh...I am a makeup artist. It is my goal to make someone look their best, but “best” for some people means “lighter, heavily contoured, sculpted features”) and those are things I won’t do. I believe that Victoria may not even see what is obvious to viewers of her page: She has altered her skin color through the use

Oh I know it does, but inevitably, if I don’t say that in the beginning, folks will be like, why is this on the Root?

These black Trump supporters aren’t in the sunken place, they’re worse, they bend the knee for Trump willingly.

Medgar Evers’ brother is a Trump supporter? Wtf? Is he fucking delusional? Senile?

It could be a lighting issue, but at the same time I feel like she could be using that because she got called out about it. In any event though this isn’t something that’s specific to her and its a big problem I think that its glossed over way too much.

The tragedy of the human race is that some of us are smart enough to see that we are destroying the only home we have while those in charge just run headlong towards disaster. There will be countless tragedies like this bear until people fundamentally change the erroneous beliefs and destructive habits that are the

I love watching Youtube makeup tutorials, some of those women (and guys) are like wizards and it can be strangely therapeutic watching them transform themselves. I admire people who can be honest with strangers about their insecurities, and think it must be liberating sometimes. But I have wondered about the fine line

We don’t have to talk about Victoria or anything about her that’s fine but if we’re not going to dress like the obvious colorism in black beauty blogs. Then what’s the point? Any sort of other Kumbaya whateverness is dishonest.

As a man I cant speak much about women and make up because I don’t really know shit about it but you pointed out what I noticed a lot about these Black makeup vloggers on IG and Youtube: the stark contrast of them lighting their skin. Its too hard not to notice it, and the write seems to gloss over the colorism issue

I know you wrote you didn’t want to get too much into the lighting/colorism issue, but my only comment about this story has always been how much lighter her skin (and eyes) are in the after photo.

I hope Ms Evers puts that orange fool in his place.

The focus is AND SHOULD BE on him supporting his daughter and the movement and in listening and in recognizing the strength and bravery of these women coming forward against their abusers and assailants.

This cracker motherfucker will take every opportunity that presents itself to dig in deeper to the racial divide that made him president. The controversy alone is enough to trigger the “ungrateful niggers” rants from his racist ass base and race baiters like FOX news. This bitch just nationally endorsed a racist ass

A. To humiliate him

I said this a while ago when one of the countless “minority” victims of police violence occured and again when that foreign woman was killed by Minnesota police: Don’t think that police violence is going to start and end with just black/brown victims. That type of power and corruption will not limit itself. They will

Why in the world would you have him crawl towards you and not have him lay flat and move in on him? I’m not a policeman but this seems really stupid.

“The parents should be paying attention to their children” Hard to do when you work 3 jobs because Walmart pays crap wages while making billions in profits. You want better parenting, raise wages. That will create more free time for people to be with their families.

That is the most horrible thing I’ve ever seen.

“Poverty, unemployment, family dysfunctions, drug addictions...they either need to be interrupted with a jail cell or some other type of intervention” - or maybe we could work on increasing good-paying jobs, jobs training programs, housing, educational opportunities, mental health programs...nah, then the rich