Let face it, if you need “Anti-racism” training then you probably won’t learn anything or accept it’s teachings. If someone is racist, sending them to class is not going to change anything.
Let face it, if you need “Anti-racism” training then you probably won’t learn anything or accept it’s teachings. If someone is racist, sending them to class is not going to change anything.
Thank you Lowell, for the time you shared with us. We know you cared - and we shall miss you...
So sad.
Thank you for this bit of information. I’m actually close to graduating from a small community college with my AA(something) I chose to do my cores before moving on to a Uni( cheaper and Unis pray on poor people, I’ve seen so many kids struggle to find a place to eat and slip cause they spent all their money on…
My takeaway from Rihanna’s response was that she’d rather just have trans models show up to her castings, rather than specifically seek one out for the sake of inclusion, which is tokenism (and is what her fan suggested). The beauty and fashion industries are as revenue-driven as any other industry, and yet,…
Despite what Silence of the Lambs & etc. would have you believe, serial killers aren’t generally that bright. The successful ones - the ones who get away with an actual series of murders - are usually lucky. They happen to like killing people nobody else really cares about or who are otherwise vulnerable. This guy was…
I can promise you I cannot keep up. Hell, I bearly have enough to eat and pay rent.
Giving the gun you used to murder 4 people to a coworker for safekeeping is...well not the smartest decision in the world.
Pretty much this. Also, this bill is great for the rich white people who are Trump supporters - like, say, my father and his wife *headdesk* - so they aren’t going to give a shit. The ones who are going to be hit hard financially and through the lack of a decent safety net? It will be blamed on Schumer or Pelosi or…
They are banking on cleaning it up during reconciliation. The final version will be “correct”.
The big boob struggle is awful! I recently lost 40 pounds and was told that my boobs would get smaller. They didn’t. Now I’m a 32G, which no store ever has in stock. To add to this, I live in China. I went home for the summer and spent most of the two months trying to find bras that I could bring back with me.…
“when I lie on my back, they will go their separate ways like two bitches beefing with each other”
Too funny. Nearly did a spit-take of Coke all over my computer screen from laughing too hard.
Can we start giving articles stars? 38J here and all my bras cost at least 60 bucks.
OK now that was just rude.
Yet this May, new Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey—a Republican, by the way—signed H.B. 282 into law, which defines “moral turpitude” as 50 specific felonious acts. This shift could enfranchise tens of thousands of Alabamans, and that brings us back to Moore’s tweet.
I wish they would also have included whether these men think “raping your wife” is actually possible. Because I have a feeling that 100% of the men who answered those questions incorrectly would also fail that one.
Growing up men are endlessly praised as special, handsome, intelligent, and that women will love them.
Well said. I just don’t understand how so many people don’t get this.
Stay positive Roy.