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    To be black in America is to walk a minefield of white supremacy, never knowing where racism might explode and rip you apart. It is buried in at least one teacher in every school. It sits behind the benches of courtrooms across the country. It is in chambered in the guns and hearts of police officers everywhere.

    I usually avoid opening day but I will be there right after work to see “Black Panther”. I may need several cups of coffee. I have been excited about this movie since the announcement. Then when we found out the director and the cast I was ready to buy tickets.

    I just came to say the Guggenheim, like many of the White urban museums, are racist. They can join orange satan in that gold bowl and flush themselves away to another planet.

    I saw this mess earlier today and thought it was the trailer for the sequel to “Get Out”. If any Black people had tea while this commercial was being filmed please see a camera flash ASAP. This is straight from the Hillary-Clinton-girl-you-ain’t-winning-this-election handbook. Do better, White people.

    Can you say it louder for the people covering their crusty ears?

    Her past resume. I say put “The Parkers”, “Moesha”, and her Queens of Comedy specials on Netflix. The reason White shows keep living on is because they are featured on every streaming platform so new people can always discover them. “Living Single” just came to Hulu and so many White people at work who’ve never seen

    This times a trillion! Neither of these parties are for Black people. Democrats have not gotten over the shock of getting their ass kicked in the 2016 Presidential election. They just knew they had their first woman President. They were so confident they gave her a boring White man running partner when there are all

    Thank you. I have asked Uber drivers to turn off The Breakfast Club because I can’t deal with the ignorance. The hosts love to demean famous Black women. I’m not surprised they don’t understand Afro-Latinas. Most Latino/Hispanic countries are very anti-Black and many of the people want to be considered White. Black

    Those White people must have burned their James Franco ballots and got new ones to write in Daniel Kaluuya. I was very happy to see his name. Denzel was a lock because he’s Denzel. I’m glad Dee Rees got nominated for screenplay, but she’s way better than most of the directors they nominated. I’m rooting for “Get Out”

    May Jill’s rejuvenation be as great as double Oscar nominee Mary J. Blige’s. The world tells women we need to always be in a relationship but sometimes we are better off alone. A ring on the finger is not the end game. Every woman should know her worth.

    Why is momentum only discussed when it’s time to pay Black women? There are White actors who haven’t had a hit in a decade and still getting millions of dollars, Receipts. The “Gilmore Girls” don’t have any Oscars and besides that show being in syndication, they haven’t become bigger stars. However, Netflix is paying

    Translation: “I’m jealous of all these successful Black women and am trying to get 15 seconds of Black Twitter fame.”

    I am not the one keeping us apart nor am I angry. Telling the truth while Black always makes people label you as angry or misinformed (as some of these comments show). Black women were forced to create our own march because White women never center our struggles. The same way Black people had to create our own

    I’m not saying anything other Black women aren’t saying all over social media, in books, and in their real lives. White women are choosing to ignore it and us as usual.

    The same way they embraced twerking when Miley Cyrus started doing it. I think all the top videos on Youtube on twerking are of Beckies. All this movie will do is make them want to step. They will not learn why HBCU’s began the tradition or anything relevant. You will have Elle or Cosmopolitan writing articles about

    “There is no place in police departments for men or women who hold such strongly held prejudices, including recommending shooting people simply because of their race,” O’Connell wrote.

    No, we do not. I want to see Black people in other worlds, in the future, or in a present that doesn’t have us playing a stereotype. White people get to be centered in all generes. Where’s our “Game of Thrones” or “Westworld”? Can we get a fantasy TV show? I’m not interested in revisiting a past where White men

    Black women don’t just shake the table, we throw the table out the window. I didn’t participate in the New York Women’s March because it is a march for White women. I will wait for our marches. However, it is important for famous Black women like Viola Davis to go to these things and tell White women truths they don’t

    Both parties are a mess because they are led by privileged old White people. The Democrats talk a good game about loving Black people when all they really love is Black votes. The Republicans only pretend to love a Black person when he/she is a coon. We need more options in American politics or nothing will ever

    The majority of my other Black friends are planning to move to the south in the next few years and some of them are lifelong New Yorkers. Gentrification is causing New York City to lose a lot of Black residents (Los Angeles too). We are simply not making the salaries needed to stay here and Black people are less