
Ok, so he gave her HIV and threatened her with a knife, so she ran him down with a Mustang.

Found the story, your not going to believe this:

You want something RWD and with a personality instead?

I like the GT-R,but for over $100,000 I would get this instead.

Oh god, I can already hear the Hot Action Cop soundtrack just from this pic. Awesome

Any percentage of armed men with the authority locked you up as they wish, the authority to restrict your travel and the full backing of the government is too many.

Good thing it wasn’t the US. The driver would probably either be dead or be held in a cell somewhere charged with contempt of cop, and the business owner would still be fighting an uphill battle against a civil forfeiture claim.

It’s because the majority of drivers do not pay attention to their surroundings. Part of defensive driving is observing and predicting other people’s next move(s). If everyone drove defensively the road would be a lot safer. Instead we have one car seemingly oblivious to the dangerous actions of those directly next

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.

also known as the “6 3/4 Litre“ because old England doesn’t use decimals

I have handled a case like this. Someone took a Sharpie (or equivalent) and blacked out a check engine light. Client bought from a dealer and the dealer claimed ignorance (which is always their Plan A). We won.

That’s very well titled.

He’s Austrian, but he did the 2015 Australian GP’s podium interview.

Never heard of him. Is he better than Kanye?

And worst of all, they’re almost all made in China.

And when your car can do that, do you really give a shit whether the infotainment system works or not?

Pickles are fucking delicious with barbecue!

if this is a test driver handling it, i can’t wait to see what all the jabronis from my hometown with army pensions can do!

You can have your janky dystopian Caterhams. There’s only one Dutch lady for me: