Not a Replicant

A ack of 'interaction' is not what these games have in common. Some allow it, some don't.

I had one of those, for about 6 months. I played Uncharted 3 on it. Twice. And Crysis. And then the novelty wore off and I sold it. But you should go back and play Uncharted 3 on it, if you haven't already - they did make good use of the <ahem> swinging on chandeliers sections (seriously!)

Keep Calm and Do the Right Thing, My Good Fellow

Ouch. Thanks for the warning!

The stupid theater in a small industrial town in England where I saw Baby Driver had the trailer for this, but messed up - it was on twice. But I didn't mind. Cos the trailer looked coolly insane, the fighting and the physics. But I wondered how on earth it could keep going as an actual film for 90 mins.

Hmm, are you doubting Nolan's nerd credentials here? He WOULD know! (Wouldn't he?)

But thanks for that link - sends a nerd-shiver down my spine! Interesting how they filmed it and hope it doesn't spoil my second viewing of the film (tonight, hopefully)

Oh yes, I had shivers of recognition in the dogfighting scenes, and while watching was trying to remember when the actual Battle of Britain took place. And then wondering: is that why there were so few German planes up in the air? Because you would have thought that the British soldiers on the beach would be rich

As the boys in that beached trawler knew, the weight (and therefore displacement in the water) matters.

Exactly - the dogfight wasn't that high, as the Heinkel was coming in for a low-level bombing run. And it didn't seem that near the beach, either. So to cut to several on-screen minutes of gliding at low altitude, and suddenly it's over the beach, miles to the north, bothered me a little in terms of continuity.

Also in the credits is Miranda Nolan - a cousin of the director - who is a nurse who ushers in the men to their tea-drinking and bread-and-jam-eating death on the destroyer.

No, they were all 109s. Both have straight wingtips, but the 109s have a pointed nose while the FW190s have a radial engine (I think - so big air inlet by the propeller) and were much faster.

In all honesty: I was not aware of that actor at all, had never seen anything with him in. But he was stately and believable, pretty solid (given everything going on). It was only by looking him up on IMDB afterwards that I became surprised who it was…

Skipped out of work one afternoon to watch Covenant. Thought I'd do the same thing this week, but - poof - it's gone from local cinema screens. Dang.

Last weekend was my first time watching Mr Show, so caught up with seasons 1 and 2. It must have been 3 years ago that this very website had a feature about it, and I only just got around to it.

Hmm. I'd never seen her standup before, only saw her in the occasional TV episode here and there - Larry Sanders, that type of thing. The first 30 minutes she came across really strong and 'cute' (in terms of onstage persona I mean). But then it kind of became off-script, under-rehearsed, and I thought a bit shambolic.

As the review mentions: Abzu is gorgeous to be in, and not that challenging. Flower, Journey (the last two are by 'thatgamecompany', they'll all been ported to PS4 from PS3, and Flow is theirs too).

I liked Charly Bliss when they were called Lush. Pretty girl, strong vocal, post-punk. But actually, I didn't even like Lush back then, just really dug the shocking red straight hair of the lead singer. They were terrible musicians.

The Lost City of Z. Will be a rare treat to get a babysitter in and walk to the cinema and see a quality film. And daydream about the Royal Geographical Society in their glory days, the early nineteenth century.

'Almost'. You said it. Almost watchable.
But then it's a bit like the young Jimmy McGill. And guess how that turned out? Hint: S'all good, man!