
It's good to see the Domer fans didn't lose their edge during the Dark Times. Call me when they beat a good team. ND and Florida = Frauds of the Top 5.


This, I like. +1

And yet, still none of these cost $30.

Ah, well there you go then! Excellent. LOVED the original WC series.

You speak as though you have been to most Middle-eastern countries. I would venture to guess that you have not. I have. While restrooms in homes were in fact "holes in the floor", there were sinks and bathtubs, as well as toilet paper. This was in 1982, in Jordan. Public facilities were far more similar to those that

Yeah, I noticed some definite tips o' the cap to the original WC... like feet running, the launch tube, the Kilrathi-style ships, etc.

Sorry, as a FSU alum, I gotta disagree with you here. FSU got complacent, sure, but NC State took advantage of that. Was FSU's playcalling, on both sides of the ball, horrendous in the second half? Yep. That said, NC State was able to execute (3 4th down conversions on the winning drive, blocking the punt to setup

Giants Stadium is not "within New York's city limits".

Oh shit.

I would imagine it's very useful in a city, especially with walking directions. I am often in NYC, and an angled look would make it a LOT easier to determine if you are in the right place and going the right way.

I am glad that you said that. I have exactly NO experience, no training, nothing (total civilian) and even I was wondering why he was standing at what appeared to be the top of the ridge (therefore sillhouetting himself) at the start of the video.

While the Replay Official is not a replacement guy, he only has the call as to whether or not a play is to be reviewed. The Referee still views the replay and makes the ultimate call.

So you give a shit? Seems that way...

RIGHT! Except for the 47K+ that have read this post... and the 132 (including yourself, by the way) that replied to it.

Oh, how cute. You came back. If Kluwe is so stupid for writing this, what does that make you for reading it, not to mention taking the time to pound out this screed on your keyboard?

Hey, no worries. I really am not one of those guys who gets into internet fights. I just wanted to point out that you claimed to have given specific examples when I, IMO, felt that you didn't. I am no fan of Beck, but I really don't hear about him much anymore, once he lost his national mouthpiece via Fox. I just feel

Actually, you did not cite specific instances. You made an obscure reference to Bill Maher (a comedian, not a pundit) and the Catholic Church, which you followed with an even more obscure reference to "a CNN host" disparaging the Mormon faith.

Not necessarily true. We have 2 Xboxes, and I have 4 kids. If we wanted to rock a full on 4 member party, we would need 2 copies. (I own 2 copies of BL1...)