If it weren't for the pirin tablets...

Am I the only one who really liked the wedding dress? It was clean, modern, no freaking lace in sight, looked gorgeous to the touch, and appropriate for the occasion without being stodgy. Yeah, the night-time reception dress is cooler in all ways, and I’d rather wear it if I had a zillion dollars and a fancy party to

Well, the Wedding Aisle Solution sounds like a decent Attempt at Compromise between Traditional and Modern.

Well next time I decide to re-subscribe to Hulu, I’ll give it another shot.

This is a fantastic and heartbreaking writeup. Thank you, Emma.

biggest TV event in the world, Eurovision.

Ok guys, lets not get crazy. It out-trended Semi-Final 2 of Eurovision, the big shows not until tomorrow.

Waiting for Hulu to pick up the show...

Dear Taylor and Kanye,

“I went through some times when I didn’t know if I was going to get to do this anymore.” Well, of course she did. When Kim Kardashian used a snake emoji to describe Taylor Swift, it certainly looked like music studios would no longer allow Swift to make millions and millions of dollars for them. (It is a common

Taylor’s tour has been struggling to sell tickets and that album pretty much came and went. Kim K’s Snapchat exposure of her duplicitousness (along with that disaster of a PR relationship with Tom Hiddleston) may have had a bigger effect on her star power than we realized at the time.

Well I survived my first month as mum to a chronically sick kid. This is rough. Weekly hospital visits, worrying about surgeries, and now she’s colicky and her screaming turns her blue and sweaty and her poor misshapen heart is just thumping. I’m completely crushed every time she starts crying. My husband started back

Once upon a time, Big Foot was a kid with undiagnosed mental health issues, wildly misplaced anger issues and a broken heart over the sudden loss of her father. She was a behavior issue, a safety issue and an emotional time bomb in one seething package.

I have been absolute ball of stress for the last few months between grad school, work, and family. At times, I’ve felt truly depressed and like I would never stop being unhappy. Today I finished what needed to be finished and now I get to just rest. I hope that any of you that are feeling the pressure are doing ok and

Don’t be a goon, I am talking about already born babies, they’re a done deal.

Scrolled thru and saw ZERO baby pictures.

I work with Guardian ad Litem. Do you know what school he attends? If you do, you can call the school and ask to speak with the guidance counselor. The school won’t be allowed to give you information, but you can definitely tell them your concerns. Hopefully that will put them on alert to pay attention to the kid’s