If it weren't for the pirin tablets...

What in God’s name is happening with Anna Kendrick’s bosom there?

Is this place getting worse? Lately I find myself checking usernames and looking at comment histories to determine whether the other users here are throwaways or trolls on almost every story. I tend to think that there’s a deliberate effort to ruin this place, but it might just be trolls who are emboldened by

So, I auditioned for Jeopardy back in June and this week they gave me a call. I’m flying to CA in a few weeks to tape! Really excited but also quite nervous...

Now playing

Back in the day Mariah Carey could sing and had more range than Adele. It’s too bad for whatever reason (age, not protecting her voice?) it’s not there anymore.

Related PSA: I work with toddlers and sometimes their parents will encourage them to hug me which is *technically* a no-no at our institution but obviously with little ones that boundary is difficult to maintain, so I allow it, it’s fine and cute and nice. Then there are some parents that encourage their

See I think that’s yet to come. Right now we’re at the ministry being taken over.

+1 ghoul for you

Nothing is more annoyingly awkward than Taylor Swift trying to bring the sexy.

These two just sound so goofy when they try to be sexy.

that song should be marked NSFW, rich.

I’m sure Baldwin never imagined that this would be his lasting contribution to the world. 

It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.

That right there is the comfortable result of the holy union of a bedsheet and scrubs.

Depends on your body confidence I guess. She looks great but looks like her vulva is about to slip out of that tiny thing.

If there is ANY chance she could win, then she owes it to the world to try.

But it feels like a long shot at best and sadly, nothing more.

On Friday, Tequila tweeted photos of herself at a private, alt-right D.C. dinner


Oh HELL no. Good for you standing up to him, the jerk. Along the same vein I was downstairs the other day getting coffee and a guy who works in my building was standing next to me and noticed the safety pin on my shirt. Our only interaction up to that point had been nods in the lobby, etc. He smirked and said, “Oh

This is a fucked up comment. There’s no reason to say this.