If it weren't for the pirin tablets...

I have nothing to add to the content of your post but I can tell you how to make fancy quote boxes.

National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 800 799 7233

I followed instead of doing grad school. All these years later and I still don’t know how I feel about it. I think it turned out to be the best for my daughter. I don’t yet know if it’s the best for me. I might have had a great career but sacrificed my relationship. Or had a great career and been unable to juggle it

I never chametz a man with those abs IRL. I’d remember.

It’s Passover in a few days so his abs should look like Matzoh.

Bobby, I heard Megan hooked up with Jon Lovitz. Younger women love him and has a big stick.

A fat joke. How truly novel

Hey all! Last SNS I posted my weird, preggo, thrown-together Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum costume (…) I’d always heard before labor starts you get a burst of energy. My mom painted a bedroom, a coworker planted a garden. Apparently bad cosplay was how I spent my burst of energy because I

39 weeks pregnant and will be induced on Friday if baby doesn’t get her shit together and get out on her own. I had a mini sobbing breakdown just like an hour ago about how tomorrow is the last weekend day I’ll ever get to sleep in. It was not pretty. It was also in the middle of sex. I’m a real gem evidently.

Almond! My favorite is peanut, but I’m not really picky when it comes to M&Ms.

I feel like not having cookies is the worst thing ever right now. Life is so unfair.

Maybe they’re getting out before Soulcycle stops being the it thing. What I wittnessed in Crossfit was an owner had several trainers who would teach at different times. It was only a matter of time that these trainers, with alpha personalities, left to start their own box gyms. The result were undercutting of prices

I’m reading while eating M&Ms. Get yelled at while exercising? Nah, man, I took 16 years of ballet lessons, I’m done with that.

[privately speculates]

What do you think the venn diagram of rabid Trump supporters and domestic abusers looks like?

Just got back from the after-party for our first home bout of the roller derby season... WHICH WE WON.

I’m a little late, but...

I GOT MY DRIVERS PERMIT ON MONDAY. Well, I’m 30. But still. I had a really bad driving phobia (last time I drove was when I was 15). But now I’m driving! And on track to get my license before the end of the month!

Send me good vibes, please. I have a job interview on Wednesday. I’ve been freelancing for 12 years, and I am just so sick of demanding clients who always want a discount. This is my first in-person interview since 2008!