If it weren't for the pirin tablets...

I briefly worked for another private gym chain. During new employee training, everyone mercilessly mocked Planet Fitness. They really took offense to the free pizza. They couldn’t let it go. I also think it’s a little strange, but it doesn’t keep me up at night the way it seems to keep them.

Oh, that’s super interesting. I don’t know! But it sounds right. My HP questions are much less thoughtful. I just want to know where students got it on at Hogwarts, and I want to know if they had bathrooms near their dorms. Like, how did that work? When and where did they shower?

I hope it works out well, and quickly.

Instead of watching this self-indulgent vid, I’m going to hit up What About Us again. Pink! You magnificent soul.

Oh my gosh! What a doll!!

I think it’s great that the new Taylor is willing to stand up for herself by holding grudges and getting even with people who made her the victim. It’s really groundbreaking territory for her lyrics.

I’m sorry you’re going through a difficult time. Do you think your headaches are connected to the ear/throat stuff?

I would gladly do a fast food cleanse.

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get answers soon, too.

I feel a little sick a lot of the time. Mostly acute stuff, but usually without a break between. I’ve had all kinds of lab work, with no answers. I’m “healthy.” I’d like to feel better. Anyone dealt with something similar? Or, what do you do when you’re feeling unwell?

How scary and frustrating. Poor girl. I hope you get some answers.

Take the GRE. Whether you decide to have a kid first, or not, you’ll have overcome that hurdle to school. Keep your options open, so you’re prepared to take an opportunity if it arises.

Happy Birth Date, Catalina! Keep growing, baby girl.

Thanks for everything, Rachel! Looking forward to the book!

I’m so happy to see/read Catalina updates. She is thriving like a champ. Way to go, Baby Girl! And way to go, you. How is your recovery?

I am just thrilled for you both.

Yes, in fact I’m a member of the recurrent stoners club. Try different types of beverages. Lemonade, milk (which doubles for calcium), orange juice...whatever helps break up the water monotony. I lean on dairy for calcium. People who are recurrent stoners (of calcium oxalate type) are told to limit high oxalate foods.

I was hoping to hear an update!. It’s so exciting to see Catalina grow and thrive. I hope your cold gets better quickly, and that you all have a good week.

I read the Buzzfeed Dunst article this week, and knew immediately that it was wrong.