I thought Ryan Adams was Bryan Adams’s performance art, like when Beyonce became Sasha Fierce that time
I thought Ryan Adams was Bryan Adams’s performance art, like when Beyonce became Sasha Fierce that time
My inner troll cannot resist the siren song of music fans that take themselves too seriously. Mainly because I used to be one when I was an insufferable tween many moons ago.
On Monday the Louisiana House of Representatives held a vote on the city of New Orleans’ removal of monuments to the…
I just want to say this, and I’m not one of those “they’re both equally bad!” dummies.
None of them are allies. If you didn’t recognize the danger of Trump to every facet of our country and abstained from voting or went ahead with your childish protest vote, you’re worse than a Trump voter. An enemy who openly declares themselves hostile is one thing. A false friend is worse.
I have more respect for an…
Unfortunately, he’s not getting impeached as long as the Republicans control the house. There is no political upside for them in doing it, so they won’t. He just shared secret intelligence with the Russian’s, if that isn’t enough for them to drop him (and it isn’t) nothing is.
I posted this over on another article on Gizmodo but there is almost zero chance Ryan or McConnell want to pursue impeachment proceedings when they’re trying to ram through their kill-the-poor-while-raising-their-taxes bonanza before mid-terms and they potentially lose any Congressional majority.
And once again, my father, who, as I have said before on other posts, predicted Trump’s nomination, win, and Russian connections (“there are too many Russians in this campaign”), was right - he also predicted that Trump would blab top secret information to either reporters or foreign countries. He’s been right about…
That kid is fucked. Gonna take some serious therapy to undo the damage that’s about to be done over the years to that child. Good god.
Right?! And c’mon. You just know this douche is an Asian fetishist. That’s *still* racism you weaselfart!
The cognitive dissonance of these people in regards to their own lives is profound.
I’m sure it’ll be fine with him when his daughter grows up and one of his supporters, not knowing it’s his daughter, refers to her with a slur. The hate that hate created.
If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice.
You’re an asshole - hopefully one with bad healthcare so you’ll die soon of your own sloth
Bullshit - close to half the country decided not to bother themselves with voting and look who we have in office. Even setting aside the whining position of my vote just doesnt matter crap, voting in all the local and state elections is what sets up these national politics. Now try that same whining crap and tell me a…
If Al Gore had won his home state of Tennessee, electoral college-wise, Florida wouldn’t have even mattered.
Or if she voted.
See, I thought it was a combination of her not having good boundaries (seriously, that home her brother was in should not have keep letting him call her) and Karl wanting to give her space. Her character didn’t know how to put herself first, or accept that she was allowed to prioritize her own happiness.
There won’t be any Alan Rickman because..... :-( :-(
... I don’t think they are in all cases. I recognize one of the people in one of the photos, and the confession in question sounds like something the mom related to the photo in question has said on several occasions, enough to make me I am pretty sure at least one of these is a real identifying photo, and I know the…