Arrival arrived yesterday. Just buy the BR, it’ worth it.
Arrival arrived yesterday. Just buy the BR, it’ worth it.
And they started decades ago by going after the poor.
I’m all for them sharing it. I am no fan of the Dems but neoliberalism is starting to look pretty damn nice in the rear view mirror and this could be the kind of game changing reverse gerrymandering that we could use a shot of.
BINGO! Ummm, I’ll choose next, “We Are So Totally Screwed” for $500, Alex.
So 1987. Watch Chris Lowe’s Issey Miyake inflatable jacket
Um yeah don’t let her start that until after Valentine’s Day, m’kay?
Selling one’s soul to evil is generally known to take it’s toll on one.
Sometimes you get gold like that. The lyrics for the Theme to M*A*S*H were written by a 14 year old kid and that’s pretty impressive if you ask me. A lot of the time you think, especially with tv, that the theme song is just a throw away.
He also had a lot of commercial success singing the theme song from “Moonlighting,” a song which stands quite nicely on it’s own as well.
They talk about running government like a business.
I’ve said the same thing for years now. The correct adjective is ‘’reactionary.’’
It’s been normalized and that’s a huge part of the problem.
The missing caption to that reads “*sigh* Amateur hour.”
I’d opine that Othello is a better vehicle; let’ see, Bannon = Iago, we have Trumpthello, and very special guest stars the People of the USA as Desdemona.
and the early scene with the homeschooled kids is more relevant than ever.
Can you imagine if we were two weeks into an Obama administration and Michelle didn’t want to live in the White House? Ungrateful & unpatriotic are two of the kinder terms that I would imagine the conservative media elite would have tossed her way.
Interesting movie to see at that age with a dad.
I have a friend who describes Sarah MacLachlan as office music and that pretty much sums up my enthusiasm for Elizabeth Moss. Check out the film version from 1990 -if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.