Or Neil Tennant or Leonard Cohen or Tom Waits or Elvis Costello or Bryan Ferry or Martin Fry or Sting?
Or Neil Tennant or Leonard Cohen or Tom Waits or Elvis Costello or Bryan Ferry or Martin Fry or Sting?
Prince’s sexuality was not always a positive. He was trashtalked by the right just as much as Madge was in the 1980's. It was Darling Nikki that set Tipper Gore off and created the whole inane PMRC & record labeling in the mid 1980's.
Nope, one of them can’t act to save his life.
“more like a kid selecting a kickball team”
The best thing of taking the US back to the 1950's would be the corporate tax rates and social spending. I am 100% sure that is what they’re talking about when they say ‘’make America great again.”
I grew up in a smalltown here and every time the high school reunion comes up you can see the brain drain in the people that they can’t find. All the smart folks split town and a lot of us don’t look back. I could read the writing on the wall when I moved out of my hometown for Madison 25 years ago and I don’t…
I live here and this description was true 20 years ago, not true now.
Here in Wisconsin they’re paying people 25 dollars an hour to do the recount and publicly saying well we don’t know if we can get this done in time.
Willfull stupidty.
I never knew that term before, thank for introducing it to me!
I agree, I feel like the narrative that often unfolds in modern movies and some tv shows is like that of a video game. OK, we cleared that level and now we’e on to the next level.
I tried watching this and I live in a state with some of the worst internet service in the country. Even with a high speed connection it was buffering constantly and when it wasn’t buffering the picture was all blotchy. The content on this is totally up my alley and I would buy a dvd if I could just to give it a…
Or finding a bigger badder jerk than the last bigger badder jerk (Walking Dead I’m lookin’ at you)
Thank you for sharing your story and fear. I hope that things don’t go the way that you fear. I don’t put it past them to try to meddle with SSI and Medicare, I am hoping that there is enough visceral reaction to such an attempt that they for once go, oh, shouldn’t have freaking tried to do that..... I mean, even…
Nope, which is why center and left of center folks need to get off of the asses and vote, including elections that are not Presidential races.
Aramark’s values? You mean the company that had a class action race discrimination lawsuit filed against it (as well as other things)?
I’m hoping that it looks good on dvd, when I was watching it in the theater I was concerned (and still am) that this is a movie that is best watched in a dark room and may not translate well to dvd and watching in an environment with a lot of ambient light. My wife still hasn’t seen it.
Wow, only 18 stars on this one. We wouldn’t be talking about Mr. Trump and the Supreme Court if people voted.
I loved the movie, as did the friend who went with.
They would have to mess if up pretty bad for me to not like it. I already the book of short stories that it came from. it looks like The Martian style smart people work on a problem by cooperating and being smart and I like that sort of thing and I get Jeremy Renner (who I’ve only seen in American Hustle and really…