I meant the suggestion about Baron being autistic, not your autism.
I meant the suggestion about Baron being autistic, not your autism.
When I read the suggestion I had mixed feelings. With the familys’ wealth Baron would be receiving a ton more OT/PT/social therapy than my youngest son (who is autistic) ever will. My wife and I have devoted a ton of time one on one with him and the support system that we have tell us that they can see the results…
Jezebel pays an inordinate amount of uncritcal attention to anyone associated with the Kardashian family. The only good thing that came out of the election was that for a week I didn’t see a post anywhere I went online about that family.
aka Bootstrapping, a gift of the Reagan Revolution that just keeps on giving and giving and giving.
I have perfected the art of finding affordable Kindle books and have about four in queue to read right now. I am currently reading a book by Gail Collins about the history of women in the US, it was $3. I’m with you on Westworld, I thought that I would not like it and I am really enjoying it. I like the long and…
I’ve read other reviews of it and came to the conclusion that I don’t need to see this. I’ve got some really good books waiting on my Kindle and, really, if my wife and I could score a babysitter we’d be at “The Arrival” in a heartbeat.
Go to “Arrival” instead.
I’m taking a pass on this one at all levels, theater, dvd, the whole thing. I have a shared affection for Amy Adams, I’m surprised that at this stage of her career she’s in something so tastelessly banal.
David Lynch also tries to actually say something about life in the US (particularly in Blue Velvet and Twin Peaks).
The GOP does not know how to govern in peacetime. Ever since the Cold War ended the new enemy has become....us....the citizens of the USA.
We already get Mike Pence. I suspect that he will be as much if not more a shadow player than Dick Cheney was ever thought of being. I would love to be proven wrong on my hunch, by the way.
Better not tell him about the re-education camps, either. Pence might get a theocratic hard-on for those...
And the system that we live in (as citizens of the USA) is not such a system.
I’ve maintained something similar for a while, I hope that I articulate it well enough here.
A relative of mine died of a heroin overdose last year. I’ve seen firsthand the person’s effort to escape and the horrible fate.
We’re so decadent here in Weimarica....
I like to financially support things. i suspect that I going to really like this and I have no trouble spending $20 for tix or $20 for a BR. I am figuring that this is falling in the territory of “The Martian” and I am all for more drama about people cooperatively approaching problems without you know, buildings…
Idea #3, stop running and do something that isn’t so hard on your knees, like swimming or bicycling.
I am not saying that the USA is exceptional, there is a perception that it is, however, with a lot of people.