Rainbow comparisons are a gateway to Skittles comparisons.
Rainbow comparisons are a gateway to Skittles comparisons.
There already is such a word, paramour.
Never got the thing with her. I can understand that guys think she’s hot but always felt indifferent. If you’re talking say Juliette Binoche or Amy Adams you’ve got my attention.
Looks like Johnny Depp just got a roommate.
The time investigating the ship should have been a lot longer, like most of the movie. Don’t have them run back and forth to the base ship. Have someone else be the incubator for the critter, one of the biggest fails of the movie is having Shaw do a c-section on herself and then run around, leap over things and take a…
I’m thinking of giving it a chance, however Ted Danson has the opposite effect on me that Kristin Bell has on you...ratings repellent.
Easy, “Cloud Atlas.”
There’s a conflict of interest with universities investigating rapes, they do not want this in the public record because they don’t want prospective students to perceive that they are not safe there.
When I was in college I gave tours to groups of prospective and new students & there were two things that we were expressly forbidden to discuss - rape & suicide on campus.
Those are some interesting Stranger Things Season 2 spoilers.
I’m speaking more about business as usual and ending the cowardly use of riders in spending bills.
I wish that we could reform our proposals so that they could be about one thing and one thing only.
I wholeheartedly am behind the show of disapproval, the guns are 100& unrequired and their presence just feeds into a conversation that places way too much importance on guns and society. I don’t think it’s an overstatement that guns and the militarization of society is a way of maintaining a status quo, doing this…
I am curious how one does ‘’not like pregnant women.”
A quick perusal of any political page on Facebook should yield scads of candidates.
Thank you kindly for clearing up my misunderstanding.
Maybe this is your body’s way of telling you to find a new past time.
I just wanted to say that when the Gawker family goes kaput next week I am really going to miss the one stop shopping of being able to easily find articles like this in one place (even despite having to wade through the inevitable Kardashian posts to get to them). Anyone know of places like this please feel free to…
But they keep telling us that sports builds character.
This piece about your brain on poverty overlaps some of what we’re talking about (and there are some really robust comments on it).