I own a 2009 Toyota with a nicer interior than that :/
I own a 2009 Toyota with a nicer interior than that :/
My friend’s 2013 Aventador was just a tick over $900.... a month.
I still use Uber and believe in the upcoming autonomous car revolution... but you make a lot of great points. Good editorial.
What dumbass owns a McLaren and doesn’t get insurance?
“Eastbound and down, loaded up and truckin....”
(Full disclosure: Maserati wanted me to drive the Quattroporte, the Ghibli and the Levante so badly that it flew me to the northern Italian Alps, paid for my hotel and all of my food and alcohol. Ironically, I didn’t get to drive all that much.)
Before I bought my Highlander Hybrid, I took a long, serious look at the ML diesels. Talk about problems. Now you are adding power to it? Going to have to pass on this one. CP
I have had the pleasure of racing around in an Rally of America STi at Dirt Fish, as well as driving WRX’s and even nearly purchasing a purple 2014 STi. I just couldn’t get over how old they feel\look\perform. When you bump that oldness to $50k, they no longer interest me. And that’s a problem because; I am the older…
I am drooling over that F40 being torn down
My wife MIGHT be able to fit her .380 auto in it. MIGHT.
When I was 16, I would put premium into my 1989 Corolla because I thought it would go faster.
THAT is how an F1 car should sound.
I was 18, in the Navy, and in Chicago for St Patrick’s day 2001. I don’t even know how it happened, but the bouncer at the House of Blues let us in and told us “don’t do anything stupid”. I still remember carrying a fellow sailor to the train the next day. That and the green river.
I must get a pair of these flip flops
I am surprised you didn’t mention that these are designed to be ran at that 8000RPM redline, continuously.
$33K is pretty cheap when you consider that some of the motors at this HP are near the six figure mark.
I know. I am saying the GT500 has had it’s own motor since 07
I LOVE my GT500, but I daily it and would not mind if the new one had flappy paddles.
The 5.4 was only shared with the Ford GT, and even then, it had an iron block with aluminum heads for a couple of those years.
UBER drivers, REJOICE!!