Not An Aircraft Marshaller

He punched a man in the face as he rushed Portis and got in his face. That is basically the opposite of a sucker punch

That’s not her responsibility to decide. She represents a small part of New York City. She isn’t a North Dakota representative

Each players gets $200k if they win the super bowl. I think he's just trying to visualize that for them

They are sore winners, their star faded in the Finals twice so then they got the second best player in the league, who is a huge asshat, several of them have persecution complexes despite the fact that they greatly benefit from the softest calls for shooters and uncalled moving screens and technical fouls, they

Hearing a trainer yell “keep your eyes open” multiple times was quite disturbing

That’s a great guess and also somewhat depressing.

If he were a normal loser human and not a famous baseball player, then sure. But he is. If someone retweets a public figure and criticizes them, they aren’t doing so with the expectation that the public figure will single them out for their hundreds of thousands/millions of followers to see and participate in. It’s

Simmons with a jump shot would be an incredibly gifted player. Ingram has nowhere near the vision nor finishing ability. 

Right. He's actually made it a point not to play with young guys. The ones he's agreed to play with are the ones he thought could play the game at a high level already. He seems to believe Ball and Ingram can be high level contributors. They just suck.

How about James Fucking Harden, though. I don’t crown anyone better than Old Man Bron until I see them outperform him in the playoffs, but Harden's performance right now is outdoing unanimous MVP Steph. Shit is wild

I’m an air traffic controller. We’ve gotten several emails since the shutdown about “professionalism,” AKA not taking sick leave in response to potentially not getting paid. While I am usually on board with performing my duty to the public despite Congress being an embarrassment, it’s really hard to swallow being

What does Spacey being a Democrat have to do with anything? No one is comparing their politics, just their looks and their lack of conscience. You are being way too literal and defensive lol

It’s Toronto, then Milwaukee, then Boston. 

Now that you're sober, you realize your comment makes no sense, don't you

What? False.

Fuck you for this. This will ruin my attempt to sleep. I am noting your name now so I can remember to hate you for the indefinite future

100 years of solitude is the most fun. What are you saying?!

Shopping doctors when you know something is physically wrong with you but your doctor has not been properly diagnosing it is the sensible thing to do. Also, several doctors were consulted and concurred with the findings after a specialist identified the issue. I don’t understand why people are so pressed to be

They are self-centered white guys?

White men are a dangerous political group, no matter their other demographics. The end.