Hawks were in the playoffs every year and Budenholzer is a very good coach. Strange takeaway
Hawks were in the playoffs every year and Budenholzer is a very good coach. Strange takeaway
LMAO you’re so high
Can they count on LeBron and Love shooting that poorly? Can they count on as many missed free throws? If I were Toronto, I’d feel like shit. This was hardly the best the Cavs can play, though they did have some things going for them.
Your answer to the guy complaining about the annoying friend was startlingly good. Married insights!
Watch Bogdanovich guard LeBron and see if you notice a theme
Lol, LeBron was getting bumped and held the entire game, and when he finally took a dive so that he would get a call, Van Gundy was up in arms. The Pacers were fouling LeBron the entire series. You don’t get to complain about calls.
It says that they zeroed in on him because they already had a Miller as a suspect, and the DNA hit helped point them back to him. So the hours were necessary.
It’s not silly if you’re adopted and have no idea who your parents are
Yeah. That just because that is how law enforcement is using our data now, does not mean that is how the data will continue to be used
Zero. He’ll stay cozy with his apologists, who will never believe this isn’t an insidious plot against a successful black man for trying to buy NBC
Privileged white bros
I see the goaltend initially and then my eyes adjust and I just see a late release off the fingertips and a clean block. I really think this might be an optical illusion or brain game
Well that’s clearly wrong.
No, this wasn’t harmless, yes, white people you look crazy when you do this shit. Stop saying “nigga.” Your rights were forever revoked. I don’t care that you like our music.
I really hate that you became the “black friend” that 500 white people could point to to excuse their fuck shit, but do you girl
I mean, my mom also said that lol
This is troubling.
Every month there’s a new clip of his that brings out the highlight truthers. When will y’all sad souls accept that he’s impossibly good at basketball?