Not An Aircraft Marshaller

This is fucked. I can’t even make a joke about this (I’m not good at that anyway). What kind of parent does this to his kids?

I need to stock up on peanuts and become a literal billionaire

They can count on the Ravens.

“slavish”? He’s from Kenya, not West Africa


Do you have functional taste buds? This is a crazy thing to say.

Oof, bad take. He personally destroys defensive schemes. And I don’t like him as a “star”, and hate the Warriors

Yeah... This doesn’t follow the trend of their meetings at all

I don’t usually laugh at PC police jokes, but this was funny

Actually...I have seen quite a few anti-ableist posts about not using the word “blind” in such ways. Not saying I understand it, just saying it’s a thing

Expert Kinja

“But who will be happy to take it, even if they know that exploding the deficit to give already rich people more money, during a time of essentially full employment, is the opposite of long-term financial probity.” What is this sentence? The article I read before this also had a non sentence like this in it. Stop! I

Really ATC?

Problem is the Ravens have said this the last million seasons and changed OCs for Flacco several times. Same results, besides the super bowl

Ravens fan since they came to Baltimore. Flacco has sucked in spurts and sputters the last few years, but he is awful this season. They could make Kaep the backup and wait for an injury, at least.

Every NHL and MLB melee is a reminder that white sports fans on the whole are racist as fuck

I’ve been to a sumo tournament in Japan. I’m glad this article allowed me to share that. It’s kinda funny he apologized to everyone except the dude whose skull he broke. He really meant that part.

I’d just like to add for Little Caesars Arena, that in the mockups for the stadium, while they were still courting our tax money, they put an LED screen on the roof that would play highlights and other video. It looked fucking amazing. Then the job completed and the ugly ass Little Caesars eyesore was what remained.

Is this an obvious troll that I’ve fallen for? His wife is the actual cook here.

This wasn’t a good joke. Oh well.