Not An Aircraft Marshaller

Then pretty much every religious person is disrespecting their religion

I have never bought into Curry being as good as some think he is (I think he’s really good, I just don’t think he’s THE BEST like some people who appreciate flashy handles and pretty shooting more than other basketball skills). Still I wouldn’t have thought this talking point was crazy before they teamed up and it

First off, please don’t patronize me and say that I’m a “casual fan” because I disagree with you [and so does most any NBA analyst, btw]. So Durant is performing better than Curry, and this is proof that Curry is better? You don’t think Durant’s gravity positively impacts Curry? Curry was not impressive in his first

The fact you thought KD was just an All-Star before he got to GS is the problem. He has widely been considered the second best player in the league for at least the past 5 years. I know Curry had his little moment, but you gotta pay attention to the whole league.

How can you take these L’s after winning Finals MVP with an epic and historic shooting display versus the best player in the league? He can’t even win the likeability contest versus LeBron anymore. What a lame

This is a terrible take. How can you possibly believe Curry is better than Durant?

I want a Muslim Bond. Let’s give the other colors lumped into “POC” some entertainment shine. Black folks have been winning of late, I can give this one role up. Even better would be to get off this Bond tip and just create a different franchise made for a person of color.

TBH this might be better. He is the king of long non-answers that make little sense once it’s all over with

LeBron has been sharing stories of himself working out with others all summer long. Wait for an actual passive aggressive post. It’s sure to come.

“Groin pull during 69"

I laughed out loud. Thank you.

I’ve played division I college basketball and lifted regularly, and am one of the stronger women I know, and I don’t think I could ever do 30 [good] pushups in a set without a struggle. That said, they should definitely at least know HOW to do push ups. You can’t insist cheerleading is a sport, then look like this

A strange tactic, since a whole lot of shade thrown her way questions her sex. She’s inviting trouble.

So... Pretty sure the government calling for a private citizen’s firing because they are critical of said government comes uncomfortably close to violating a core principle of this country’s founding.

Lol at all of this from a person who says “fuck womanism.” You have a nice night.

Y’all are mad tiring. I am female, I am womanist, I am black and know all about bigoted limits placed on certain classes of people. I also know that some women can be arrogant. I found Clinton to be so in her interview. I listed some reasons why. Retire this lazy retort already

Not really, seeing as how I’m a female air traffic controller. Women can actually be arrogant and outsmart themselves, just like anyone else. Y’all gotta get off this

She did bring up her campaigning in the Rust Belt and how it was overshadowed by Trump News. Not strange that I would put “smart” in quotation marks when referring to a campaign that lost. Not strange that I might have a different opinion on an interview than another random person on the Internet, either

Yes, I’m sure that white people who are earnestly looking for ways to combat racism often get so frustrated that they become Neo-Nazis.

Feminism means nothing anymore, and “I’m a feminist” will soon be as meaningful as saying “I’m not a racist,” as you deliberately vote for and defend policies that reinforce white supremacy.