Not An Aircraft Marshaller

No, it isn’t, and I don’t know why you keep bringing this up. Women enable sexism/patriarchy/misogyny all the damn time, just like people of color can (and do) enable racism/anti-blackness. In fact, it’s often the case that members of marginalized groups who are willing to buy into a business’s toxic culture are the

I enjoy those segments on TNT and can also respect McGee hates them. I was fine with both of them until Shaq started acting like a full time cop and the Warriors team intervened. JaVale looks the best out of all of this, so all in all a win for him that he may never get again lol

In the case of a major injury, teams want a chance to be asterisk champions

Scott’s Cheap Flights. It’s worth it.

The day the Washington football disorganization becomes a consistently winning football team is the day I banish football from my life forever.

You did not read the entire article? Fascinating

This was a terrible take.

Kyrie Irving is far from stupid. Sometimes people smart themselves straight into stupid, though

IDK many people in Detroit who thought Mike Ilitch was a saint. Strange premise.

LeBron loves to go left and every commentator and coach is aware of that. You are mistaken.

Was an air traffic controller at a small airport in upstate NY a few years ago, and we’d had enough wildlife runway incursions that there had previously been an office in the tower devoted to the folks handling wildlife on the airport proper. By the time I got there, the department was no longer there, but the

White dudes votes very clearly did matter more in this election. Generally, white people’s did. He won whites and lost pretty much everyone else and took the presidency. So maybe Bernie folks just understood electoral realities.

Our head coach and franchise quarterback (and best player) of the past umpteen years? Yeah, some of us can say we don’t have those particular worries.

Sure they’re liberal. And racist. I think most people recognize that about Boston? The two can and do go together often.

No one else thought it was weird watching a celebration continue while there was a lifeless body nearby??

LeBron just won a championship. What?

One of the things Rondo is most known for is refusing to work within his coaches’ schemes and being hated by at least one of his Hall of Fame teammates, so this is weird.

Nope, not what happened in Detroit. Next.

Good to know there are legendary coaches who AREN’T asshats away from the game. Though I have to say, I was on the fence with him and his terse interviews for a long time.

Nothing says “working toward racial harmony” like asking black residents to help foot the bill for white suburbanites’ weekend fun