The cow is not allowed

It's a scientific fact that gender-neutral language kills hundreds of thousands of people every day, many of them adorable children with big, sad eyes. On the other hand, if we learn to weaponize it, gender-neutral language might be the very thing that ensures our victory in our coming war with the Romulan Empire.

Note that the syllable "man" in "human" has no etymological connection to the standalone word "man"; it comes from the Latin humanus, not the Anglo-Saxon mann. It's confusing, and maybe someday we'll change it, but the similarity is pure coincidence.

He's Mike Engel, one of the Joker's hostages. Here's a short article on him:

The "lives on a cloud" bit comes from a bedtime story Clara is telling to small children. I wouldn't take it literally.

Lines like "You just love too hard" would have been funnier if Herman had looked like that. Making everyone adorable neutered some of the humor.

The problem with this argument, and why it's anti-science and anti-logic, is that women don't exist in it. A zygote floating in a hypothetical test tube is never going to become a human being no matter how long it floats there: it needs to be implanted in a uterus and remain there for months until it's viable on its

1. He's sad that he lost his one remaining original part, but he's more okay with the organic one "that skips a beat for Lily" than the steampunk one, and he did know the old one would have to go eventually. It was falling to bits. Yes, that was the conflict, and the resolution was his final begrudging acceptance of

I would read the hell out of a comic drawn in that style.

While people who live closer to the Equator tend to have darker skin, you really only see "Caucasian" skin-tones and hair among Europeans, not among the Inuit or native Siberians or any other northern people. Whatever else they were, the Neanderthals weren't Caucasians; they're an entirely different human species. I

I would vote for Doctor Impossible from the novel Soon I Will Be Invincible. He has a solution to global warming! By ushering in a new ice age.

I love sad songs, so I appreciate this one. There are some terrific covers of it on YouTube already.

"Vaginal Fantasies" is the name of my new band.

That episode blew me away. I ended up rewatching the song over and over again on YouTube for the rest of the night. It was a pretty haunting exploration of what cognitive degeneration can do to relationships.

Are you saying this man doesn't understand alien technology?

"Fortunately, the aliens use Windows 95. They invented Windows 95 a half century ago, and we've only just now figured out how to duplicate it perfectly." Man, Steve Jobs was way off. But why did Microsoft ever try to improve on a technology that's served an interstellar alien race well for over 50 years? On the other

Clearly it's the work of Shub-Niggrath, the source of all miscreation and abomination. Scientists won't admit the truth, for to truly contemplate the Black Goat with a Thousand Young would drive them mad. Mad!

I don't think that's implied at all. With only one companion, it's all about Jenna-Louise's character rather than being about the relationship between companions. It's the same way that when Ace was the companion, the story was all about Ace, and when Donna was the companion the story was, for the most part, all about

It probably is the best a CGI Bruce Timm-produced show can do on the budget they have. Unfortunately, the effect is that the characters all look stiff and lifeless, like dolls with too few moving parts and dead, unemotional faces. Considering how beautiful and expressive Young Justice looks, that's a real shame and a

The Ninth, Tenth, and Eleventh Doctors all seemed certain that all the Time Lords and especially his family members were all dead and impossible to reach (whether off-world or not), so they'd probably need some kind of timey-wimey paradox in the vein of the "all of time happening simultaneously" universe from the end

Edward Scissorhands probably wouldn't actually be that good of a hair stylist.