The cow is not allowed

They're not talking about campaigns set in the Far East or the Mid-East or anywhere "exotic" by fantasy standards; they're only suggesting including some more illustrations in the core book that imply not all human characters in a standard D&D campaign are necessarily "white" by default.

I love River, but I hope all she does in the episode is drive around. Like, they're being chased by Daleks or Weeping Angels or something, and River picks them up in her car, drives them around for a bit *really fast*, then drops them off again where they started, to resume the chase. Like that scene with the aliens

Planescape novels included Pages of Pain by Troy Denning, the Blood War trilogy (Blood Hostages, Abyssal Warriors, and Planar Powers) by J. Robert King, and the Planescape-Forgotten Realms crossovers Finder's Bane and Tymora's Luck by Kate Novak and Jeff Grubb. They're a mixed bag, really; I feel like the setting was

Actually, yeah, I liked those. I didn't like them better than J.K. Rowling's books, but they definitely had their good points. The Polyjuice brothel almost entirely populated almost exclusively with Harry and Draco clones, for example!

The Eleventh Doctor and River Song don't really have any romantic chemistry on the tv show. In fanfic sometimes they do, brilliantly, and it's possible to understand why they would be into each other.

I like to think many of these questions have the same answer. The Temporal Cold War was the war between the Daleks and the Time Lords, and they were obsessed with the birth of the Federation because they had all of history to war in, and the Federation was really the only thing that mattered in the little part of it

I would totally watch a movie about turtle-centaurs.

The article claims the sites spanned 8,000 years of history, not 8,000 years from the present day. 12,000-4,000 years ago would be 8,000 years.

I drank nothing but PBR when I was a hipster. Oh, and Guinness.

Poor Mickey. He gets no respect.

Alec Baldwin's and Geena Davis's characters aged in the first movie, temporarily. Maybe something like that could happen again? "Hi, Lydia. Sorry we can't join in on your adventure, but we're feeling a bit exorcised today."

I'm pretty sure Mickey didn't have a man-crush on the Doctor, but I may have been missing some subtext. Also the seldom-remembered Adam Mitchell (who got aboard the TARDIS after "Dalek" and stayed until the next episode). I also totally count Wilfred Mott, Craig Owens, Kazran Sardick, and Canton Everett Delaware III.

If there's one thing Lincoln hated more than vampires, it was trees.

I guess the implication is that Democrats think independents are dirty hippies.

It's because Fox News (like all television stations except, like, C-SPAN, PBS, and the Home Shopping Network) is only interested in ratings, which are driven higher by controversy. Their ratings also get higher if Democrats are in office. All their incentives are thus to keep Republicans looking bad to Democrats and

In theory, Zeus's command of the heavens includes all of outer space. It seems to me that he got the best deal of the three. It may not have many animals or plants in it, but who needs those when you've got all the stars and planets? When he's lonely, he can always go sex up a human woman or man. Plus he commands the

Compared to the size of the sky or the realm of everything that ever died?

That would've been my guess too, except he met Donna in the TARDIS. And Tegan, I think. And Adric already stowed away there. Other options might be Gallifrey, the End of Time, inside the time vortex, inside his fez, at a LINDA meeting, at a key party, on the Starship Enterprise, inside a black hole, the Spanish

A single author taking inspiration from the entire history of popular culture, as he does, is pretty different from an entire company continually going back to the works that a single author wrote during a very brief span of time. The two don't even compare. Alan Moore would never say it's a bad thing to recycle old