#notallmen morghulis

Right? I’d be embarrassed if my group chat got leaked because of all the dumb memes and jokes in there but I honestly can’t think of a single example where we’ve talked about someone behind their back anywhere close to that extent. And I’m not *that* nice of a person. I just mostly keep my mean and judgmental comments

I’ve seen so many comments, even ones criticizing Larson, that start with “Obviously Dorland is completely unhinged, but...” but honestly, I don’t think she comes off as unhinged at all. Maybe over-eager and not great at understanding what her peers think of her, but in context everything she did seemed understandable

I think bone marrow is the one that usually goes to a similar demographic. From what I remember (from my dad’s time on the transplant wait-list when I was in middle school) a kidney mostly just needs to be the same blood type. Idk if there are additional match criteria for living donors. My dad’s eventual transplant ca

I thought the email to ask why she didn’t like the post was insane too- until I realized the posts she was referring to were in a small group of family/friends (or at least what she thought were friends) to talk about the parts of the process she didn’t want to share publicly with people she thought cared about her, an

Natalie Portman AND Scarlett Johansson played Ann and Mary Boleyn, respectively.

Yeah, it’s really not the same as with other minority groups who are actually underrepresented in Hollywood. For one thing, Jewish actors play non-Jewish characters all the time, and that basically never happens for Black or Asian actors, for instance.

I always like the earlier parts of the season for Bachelor/Bachelorette. Always gets a little boring for me when it’s down to the top 4 who are usually normal-ish people and everyone’s on their best (well, better) behavior, but the Bachelorette always has some hilarious dudefights. This last season had Aaron, who had

Not sure why this response is so hostile- nobody here is saying his behavior is ok. Also the second you physically assault your boss, even if he was verbally abusing you seconds before, you’re the one in the wrong. That’s how literally everyone will see it, and it’s not just a “your word against mine” situation if one

I think it was supposed to feel like an assault. Like it was supposed to be disturbing and upsetting and it... definitely was.

It would have been rough anyway, but (and I think the review mentioned this) the way it happened offscreen like an act of violence moved it into “genuinely upsetting” territory.

I mean, I agree that Kevin seemed less awful this episode than he has in the past, but we still know for a fact that he harassed her boss until he fired her and called the police on her after she told him, multiple times, that she took the car. And also gambled away all of their/her savings. These things have all been

Well yeah, but Allison’s never taken out a hit on anyone before. Of course she’s jumpy. 

That’s true, I know a couple people who are my age (28) and noticeably thinning up top.

Might be because my old Y was huge and in the downtown area of a big city, but I feel like most of the instructors I took classes with were young-ish and thin/ripped. There was a decent mix of people in class, though. Lots of very fit college-aged or twenty-somethings, but plenty of older folks and bigger people too.

I think it makes sense. The script pointed out that they hadn’t dated that long before getting married so this might be the first time they’ve been on a long vacation together and it’s hitting her full-force that he’s an overbearing (asshole) personality. She probably feels the sudden urge to work right now because

I feel for him. Plus Olivia and Paula are the kind of girls I would have been fucking terrified of as a teenager. And also kind of now.

I lost my shit when HBO went down as the finale was supposed to start. “I have to find out who murdured the durdur!!”

At this point he and Rachel are the only guests I feel anything but contempt for. Well, Jennifer Coolidge maybe. She’s clearly going through some stuff but she makes me uncomfortable.

Idk about that, I think it seems a lot more likely that Olivia is into Paula. I mean, that’s definitely what they were getting at, right?

Exactly- that plus she’s probably just realizing that she married someone who turns into a condescending asshole when he feels slightly wronged* and it’s occurring to her that she might actually not be able to put up with that forever and needs to make sure she has something to fall back on. Makes perfect sense to me.