yeah but eyesbulgingoutofgoodellshead.gif
yeah but eyesbulgingoutofgoodellshead.gif
U2 Never Gave Their New Album a Chance
Bullshit that was his job as an attorney. He was acting as a PR flack, not as an attorney, when he went on the radio and made up what he knew to be a misleading "hypothetical" about what really happened.
Different analysts on the Rice situation:
How about Dilfer's shameless plug for his high school camp or whatever? Pathetic.
Berman: "They cut him immediately..." 4 hours after, but whatever.
A lot of fair points here and I find myself conflicted and, probably, a hypocrite (we'll see how I do tonight). My only issue with what you're saying is I don't hear a specific cry for what needs to change.
Janay Rice says she deeply regrets the role that she played the night of the incident.
uh, Erin, sometimes they wear pink gloves for breast cancer awareness so who's the REAL lady-hater, huh.
Consider forming really strong opinions about independent video games.
I don't really care about football, but I also don't really care about women. Is there some way I can use these two facts to make myself feel morally superior to everyone else without really accomplishing anything?
"All the scorn that's been heaped on Roger Goodell and his colleagues is deserved."
Whoa. He's eating at Cheesecake Factory? $13 million won't be nearly enough.
The Bucs and Incognito make sense. Since Schiano left they've had a big void at Left Asshole.
Oh snap!
St. Louis Cardinals hurt children the RIGHT way.
Though only one could be named starter, both Cassel and Bridgewater are pro-moat.
In fairness to Taylor, it is still preseason.
I'm really digging the late-Applebees aesthetic of the set.