Not to be nit-picky, and I’m sure you’re aware, but some of these things don’t seem to be unique to the experience of being a woman (maybe swap porn for Cosmo).
Not to be nit-picky, and I’m sure you’re aware, but some of these things don’t seem to be unique to the experience of being a woman (maybe swap porn for Cosmo).
This deserves 1 billion stars.
Exactly. You’re probably going to wind up with fewer DOWN THE MIDDLE... incomplete type calls. Calling football it always sounds like he’s more concerned with how his calls will sound on a highlight package than calling the game. Like he went too far on the other end of the spectrum from Joe Buck.
We’ve got to cut down on the turnovers! We need better tackling from the defense! *jogs into tunnel*
How tf did he think he was gonna clear that kid?!
Not just that, most of them are of the hyper-masculine evangelical breed.
Approximately 400% of them went to that school
That has much more to do with the sociopathic tendencies of the boomer generation than anything else. They never were really that liberal. They have simply adopted any political strategy that would grant their generation the most power and wealth. Their expedient neo-liberal economic policies are a great example of…
Nothing pissed me off more than the constant stream of “likeability” comments. I DON’T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT HER PERCEIVED LIKEABILITY. I WANT AN EFFECTIVE PRESIDENT. That stupid shit about “which candidate would you like to have a beer with” hurr hurr. Fuck that noise. That’s a dumb af way to pick a president. Besides,…
Have you not been paying attention the past year? All of America is Alabama now.
I’ve already seen Bama fans trying to pin the Iron Bowl loss on him and spin this coaching loss like a good thing.
I refuse to trying doing this
Markovich for Senate!
Nah, gymnastics is good.
Also, basketball being a winter sport is a reason it makes a great summer olympics sport. The pro season doesn’t get interfered as much.
Summer has gymnastics, volleyball, and basketball.
And the base does believe it. I know enough people in Alabama to have heard their opinions on it. They believe that Doug Jones *wants* to kill babies up to and including partial birth, despite him never having said that.
Honestly, I think it’s just because everyone knew it was going to happen.
Are you implying that Jesus was not responsible for Saban, Hallowed be His name?
You’re right that it doesn’t have to do with intent, but you’d still have to prove that what he did was reckless (obviously the prosecutor didn’t).