
I’m happy for Miley

> but how does a stray bullet fired outside the stadium hit only one person

Wait, are you suggesting it should have hit multiple people? 

At least he didn’t call it an infield fly this time.

Loved Linda Hamilton in T2!

I like her music.

I did, too

I dream of a day when we can have an actually muscular Wonder Woman

Yes, and it’s condescending af to someone who has lived in rural middle of nowhere “real” America. I do understand them. I know their motivations, and I feel comfortable from years of personal experience saying that racism and sexism was a large portion of their motivation. I’ve lived in “real” America, and yet I

>(hint: deep, deep sexism!)

I’m certainly not going to deny that name-calling is bipartisan, but I’ve literally never heard the ones you called out. Those are simply bad insults.

You can’t teach that.

You know that you just reworded literally what I said?

My last line was: “Yes, we should try to win people over with ideas, but you have to know when to cut bait.” 

To be fair, a lot of times their salaries are paid by the athletic department through alumni donations specifically to the athletic department and revenue generated by the athletic department. They are state employees, but it’s necessarily the case that public money is paying their multi-million dollar salaries.

I have tried that tack, and I still strive to. However, there are many dyed-in-the-wool Trumpeters that this will literally never work on. If you present them with facts that contradict their beliefs, they will simply dismiss the source and become more entrenched in their belief (even if they have literally no

Good point

Fuck Dr. Luke

I always wanted to make one about Gay Confederate soldiers at the siege of Fort Sumter. I’d call it “Southern Cum Fort”

Muh economic insecurity!

I live in the deep south and know many Trump voters. Most of them are doing fine economically. They have decent jobs. They voted for Trump because they identify with his white nationalist messaging.

Also, any of those states that are in the south are as backward as you think. I can’t speak for the midwest, but the

It was definitely called a foul tip, and it wasn’t caught by the catcher.