What was “ Donut cast 3000: Episode 1: The Awakening.”?
What was “ Donut cast 3000: Episode 1: The Awakening.”?
K, bye
That is not what we were having a conversation about. Nice try. Bye.
Nah, dog. Human trafficking was one type of website it would block. The proposal was to block porn in general. Bye.
Official ProtectMarriage.com “Yes on 8" campaign sign.[58]
Christianity. You know this. Bye
A party could never be disingenuous in their statements! Bye
It says it would block porn sites.
“Most important, you have no evidence at all that any church is behind the proposed legislation.”
You said Libertarians were for protecting the environment. Bye.
Wew, lad
Ooooh, swing and a miss. I’ll *actually* quote the article directly:
“The websites that would be restricted range from porn sites to human trafficking sites.”
Do you think all porn is human trafficking?
You claim that their stated position doesn’t really state a position. I offered the explanation of the position. Then, you decided you actually had parsed it out, and it was, in fact, benevolent.
It is not hard to divine what their intent is when you can see what they do and have done. You’re being willfully dense on…
Did my link say it was a filter for child porn? No, it didn’t.
Do you remember Prop 8?
Oh, come now. You think libertarians are for the government protecting the environment, *and* you didn’t know that politicians in Alabama passing laws based on Christian beliefs comes from the church. Wew. Lad.
There’s no mention of a church... smh. Are you serious with this? It’s Christian fundamentalism. You say you don’t know anything about Alabama politics. Do you know anything about Alabama or the Bible belt in general?