
it was me, i came to his house and forced him to read it at gunpoint


And instead of just skipping the article you immediately knew was not sports-related, you felt obligated to not only click on it but scroll down to the comments and post a response to it.

do you need a safe space, snowflake?

I can’t get over all these alleged capitalists getting up in arms about people making a decision to not buy something and as a result a store dropping that product for not making them money. One of the Trump supporting idiots I know literally said about the Uber boycott “this is punishing the drivers,” to which I and

I wonder if any of the contractors he refused to pay after they completed their work were “great people”?

For the record - mother teresa was a sadist who believed that the poor were meant to suffer in the name of Christ. She withheld pain medication to the most desperate to fulfill her own views of serving god. She also baptised the dying regardless of their religion or preferences, and accepted money from an embezzler.

I guess that makes Ivanka a special little snowflake who needs a safe space. And screw Nordstrom for not selling clothes made by a “great person”! -_-

Also: if his powers of perception were telling him that Obama likes him, they clearly don’t work. I’m pretty sure BHO hates his fucking guts.

I’ve mentioned this very point on an earlier thread about this topic. I’m very big on comedy and slice of life, so compared to Summer and Fall 2016, Winter 2017 is a major improvement for me.

Cecilia, as much as I generally respect your opinions as a reviewer, I have to disagree with the statement that this season is an anime Desert. I would like to counterpoint that It isn’t, it’s just one of those seasons that caters more specifically to one type of anime fan: the Comedy/Slice of Life fan. If you aren’t

I think he’s only incidentally/accidentally funny, because he neither understands humor nor why his statements are absurd and terrifying if they’re not meant as jokes. These things require a basic understanding of the world and a modicum of self-awareness.

Tanya is the real diamond this season, specially after episode 5!! A show that just get better and better. Only thing that really upsets me is people dishing the show because they think is Nazi propaganda when is suppose to be world war one, but hey is the internet, pretty good chance those people think every German

Exactly my reaction. That’s “oh, let’s laugh it off like it’s a joke” laughter and Trump is like, “wait, why is everyone laughing? I thought we all just agreed we love civil forfeiture here?”

they are in the process of being systematically destroyed, by executive order, senate confirmation and tweets in the middle of the night.

Can we all agree that Melania is no captive victim here? She may despise her disgusting beast of a husband, but she’s in on the insanity all the same.  

“Artist’s rendering of White House transition of power. Image via Kensington Palace/The British Monarchy.”

“Necklace of wind-swept dicks” is the best imagery I’ve read in a sentence in awhile. I can’t help myself from picturing it. And then shuddering.

Equality of slider options but no mutilation equality!! The outrage from “certain groups” will surely be all over the media for this slight against women, right?

It’s called “deflecting.” He’s doing the, “So what that my boyfriend does bad stuff. No one is perfect. You do bad stuff too,” argument.