Bregman DEFINITELY catches that ball if the Astros had fired Taubman.
Bregman DEFINITELY catches that ball if the Astros had fired Taubman.
I can’t imagine the ‘Stros loss will be blamed on Taubman, nor should it. They should fire his ass though.
In what is sure to be the biggest lucky break of my entire life, I was given a ticket to each of the first two games. So I got to watch my favorite team play in the World Series (and get stomped by a bunch of guys I’ve never heard of).
Spanfucker and his cronies are jacking each other off on their cocaine cruise while draining G/O’s coffers with outrageous salaries. When they’ve finally milked it (and themselves) they’ll all buy new underwear and look for their next victim. These are vile, hateful, greedy people who don’t give a shit about anything…
are intentionally sabotaging the site to cash out.
The curse of Brandon Taubman is a real bitch.
I’m convinced the new owners of deadspin bought a massive insurance plan and are intentionally sabotaging the site to cash out. Good article Chris, too bad a half dozen ads and autoplay videos crash it every paragraph.
Well, Thank God they got Osuna!
As someone who has played with projectors for years and has several, I can’t get over the low lumens on all of these Anker projectors.
As someone who has played with projectors for years and has several, I can’t get over the low lumens on all of these…
Hi Barry always love the articles but for the love of god please tell the people in charge that the auto-play videos in the middle of them are ruining this website.
I’m torn.
You can tell who has ad-block on because they’re mad about “Antiques Shitshow” and not about the goddamn Farmer’s Insurance ad that runs in front of it.
Hey cool, I was reading this article and some video suddenly starts saying “Welcome to Antiques Shit Show, where we see if your shit is worth shit.” The seven-year-old sitting next to me wasn’t that happy about the profanity. Fuck you whichever bean-counter at Deadspin thinks auto-playing videos with sound is a good…
lol, Domingo German and Aroldis Chapman are in the same boat as Osuna, and I’m guessing Brett Gardner isn’t stumping for Elizabeth Warren. Meanwhile, Yankee fans were actively assaulting the Astros’ players and fans throughout the series. You couldn’t have picked a worse counterexample.
Poor dude's only seen 27 championships.
Nobody stays alive to keep watching the winningest team ever keep winning, I call bullshit. Your grandfather is alive just to cheer against that immigrant Altuve, i bet
Big Yankee fan here. Really tough loss tonight, and especially so for my 95 year old grandfather.