
Direct to Netflix has been pretty high quality of late — a lot of the old barriers are dissolving as the way society thinks of “prestige” media vs “low brow” media shifts. This is why you get movie stars doing shows on network tv (True Detective etc) and also why you’ll get people like Will Smith doing

The divide between Netflix and theater movies is becoming smaller. There’s a lot less snobbery around it now. When Amazon films are getting Oscar noms the entire playing ground is shifting.

Based on that trailer, they were wise to skip the movie theater. This movie would have died there and been kicked out in a week after bad box office. It won’t get kicked out of Netflix. It will sit there and accumulate an audience, however long that takes.

Direct-to-streaming is not like direct-to-video. Netflix is making a huge commitment to quality stuff.

Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt in “Twister” are pretty much the single biggest reason 15-year-old me fell in love with tornadoes and severe storms, which then led me to go eventually get my Bachelor’s in Physical Sciences with a concentration in Meteorology. And I also met one of my best friends (now 20 years later)

Forget Obama, one the most careful, measured and dignified presidents in decades. Doing this with literally any other president is damn near impossible (maybe Nixon.)

We’ve been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope. But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope.

Fun observation: the right doesn’t talk about Trump anymore. Before the inaguration, they couldn’t shut up about him. Now every time Trump comes up on social media, rightists scramble like mad to change the subject to Obama (or Hillary) as quickly as possible.

He’s been featured as a good guy several times. Which makes both his and Trump’s appearances appropriate, seeing as BO was a genuine person, intelligent, and seemed to want to better his country while being respectful to his opponents even when they didn’t deserve it, and Trump is a raving narcissist who can’t get

Well, if he actually was Red Skull, that would explain why his face and hair look like parts of an ill-fitting mask.

Oh were you triggered? Do you need a safe space? Here’s a blankey and a teddy bear you can cuddle until you feel better.

You guys are angry that for 8 years all you could do is whine like bitches, parroting the same lines over and over again. Unintelligent and uncreative, and not even accurate. The left is creative and intelligent so we insult you morons in multiple ways. And use your own words against you all as well, that’s the

Maybe if the right put more of it’s creativity into art rather than coming up with new ways to maliciously ruin our nation you could get them.

Oh, wait... no. That’s from an actual comic.

Probably never since Obama was a calm and collected President who never really ranted and raved rather led us with dignity, regardless of what politics you align with. Meanwhile Trump is tweeting in ALL CAPS all fucking day threatening the media and federal judges. This is just us trying to cope with what is obviously

holy fuck this one

Wow... did you just compare substance abuse issues a recognized mental illness to somebody drugging and rapping a 13 year old girl. Because that’s what Polanski did...

Eh I like it. Its in line with the original show’s extensive use of minimalism.