
Lee was bad because he was a defender of slavery, not because he was a traitor. There’s nothing wrong with being a traitor; the USA was founded by traitors. (Many of whom were of course also slaveholders, but their being slaveholders is the bad part; their being traitors isn’t the bad part.)

I have no problem remembering Robert E. Lee as a great general in the history books and as an example of grace in the face of defeat. But he is, first and foremost, a traitor who took up arms against his country in defense of slavery (yes, I know he put it as “defending my home, Virginia”, but the only reason - the

As a southerner, I find it disgusting that so many of my brothers and sisters continually treat the flags and names of people who did not want to be Americans anymore with almost holy reverence. We lost, we deserved it, and it’s better to leave whatever “legacy” the Confederacy gives us in the trash. The fact that so

There used to be a history professor on campus who would open his American history class by showing a Confederate flag and saying “this is the entity that came closest to destroying the United States.” He had to stop because it was offending his students too much.

Oh. For real? Great American’s Day? Between this and Trump disrepecting John Lewis on Twitter, I have got a full day of teaching to do. Here I thought I could enjoy my day off but America continues to demonstrate it needs to be schooled.

If the election had been held again on November 9, he would have lost in an electoral college landslide as well a popular one. A scarily large portion of the left spent the entire election cycle trying to convince everyone to vote 3rd party or not vote at all to “send a message” because there was no way Trump could

That conference is what happens when you take three Valium and chase it with an entire kilo of cocaine.

Trump later called it a “failing piece of garbage,” and said it would “suffer the consequences”

That was bad and unethical, but that’s not what “fake news” means. Conservative media is deliberately using the term in an overbroad way to render it meaningless and obfuscate a very serious problem. We have to stop helping them.

Obama last night: eloquent, decent, well spoken.

Um, he is aware that “punishing” news media is against the 1st and what a complete and total Fascist would do?

This is it, comrades. We are witnessing the rise of American fascism right before our eyes. Mark your calendars.

He has no clue who that is.

Why the fuck are people still humoring this walking dumpster fire of a human being?

I just keep thinking about the people who voted for this idiot. I hope they are proud of themselves.

Well this is horrifying.

Every time Trump says “fake news” remember that he spent five years accusing Obama of not being a US citizen.

Yep. Look at all the idiots who voted for Bush & Trump because, “they were regular guys could have a beer with them.”

Oh right, because the atheist socialist who planned to jack up everyone’s taxes and honeymooned in the Soviet Union would have made a grand choice

The future of the Democratic party isn’t in being centrist like Webb and Clinton, it’s in embracing Warren, Sanders, etc. and being actually liberal in the European sense of the word for once.