
The paranoia exists about the MMR vaccine because we let morons talk on TV about something that has ZERO scientific backing. ZERO. Your idea of giving some sort of weight to what are called statistical outliers and not the norm is precisely what drives these idiotic people to not vaccinate their children.

This article is even worse.

Addendum: This is a cardiologist. Did you know that a lot of epidemiology researchers may only have master's degrees? Not MDs? This is because they study ONLY diseases, their spread, and environmental factors. This cardiologist knows as much as I do about epidemiology - well, less, since I understand herd immunity and


Vaccines are NOT 100% effective. They HAVE side effects. And your anecdote, while tragic, may not have anything to do with vaccines, just developmental tragedy.

Here is what anti-vax researchers are saying: "We think that there are bad things in vaccines because these individual chemicals are

"We should be getting measles, mumps, rubella, chicken pox, these are the rights of our children to get it,"

I believe this doctor entirely and I would follow him to the edge of the earth, which is a real thing.

He said heart attacks — not nitrates, aspirin, or beta blockers — are a part of the natural world. "Unfortunately, they mean that some people get sick and some people die," he said. "But the reality is that we can't just fill people with chemicals."

Your rage fuels my hope for a good outcome for humanity. Thank you.

Don't back off. I'm the mother of a kid with autism and that somehow didn't make me take my head in both hands and jam it up my rectum, so why should he be let off the hook?

yeah, I wonder too. There are just so many public (and private) schools in the country, almost all of which are outside the epicenters of food-sensitivity-awareness that I have a hard time believing any significant number have actually banned nuts. I'm sure the rate is increasing, though.

I used to roll my eyes at experts like this and assholes who believed them. Then I had my son. And now I see life only through his eyes, and the idea that people (and innocent children of these oxygen wasters) are now serving as vehicles for extinct diseases that could harm him purely because he's too young to get

We recently looked at enrolling my 2.5 year old son at a Waldorf pre-school, despite my objections about hippies. When we went for a school visit I loved the place. It's semi-rural and has a creek in the backyard and chickens and the kids play outside EVERY day even when it's raining out (I live in the PNW so that's

When I read the Post's article this morning I was enraged that the reporter wasn't way more critical of this fuckwad's stupidity and I ended up punching the wall next to my desk. Rather than explain how fraudulent this motherfucker was being - or, better yet, letting Anthony Fauci or Paul Offit shoot every one of his

As someone who had a near-fatal reaction to a vaccine when I was a child, I reserve the right to kick anti-vax people in the shins. I feel that it's my consolation prize for the years of physical therapy I endured. I got encephalitis from the pertussis vaccine and I still, to this day, get vaccinated against

Then in 2002, Wolfson, originally from Chicago, moved to Arizona where he met his wife, a chiropractor, who "opened my eyes."

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

Man I've never wanted to inject someone with smallpox SO MUCH.

I met a guy today who's been crippled (I'm not sure what the proper term is) for 60 years because of polio. He can walk, but with great difficulty. Screw this doctor.

There's so much horrible shit here I'm not even sure where to begin, but for now I'll just say, color me incredibly unsurprised that the Greek system thinks it's the REAL victimized party because activities were "suspended" during a period when school was not in session. Who gives a shit about the systematic way rape