
The great R A Lafferty's "Past Master" is set on Golden Astrobe; it's 2535 & the perfect colony of Old Earth is sick. So TPTB go back in time & space to recruit Sir Thomas More for the ceremonial office of planetary president. He is appalled to see his satire misinterpreted as a plan for the perfect society. Will

Then, there's Xena's "A Solstice Carol"....

Nope, that's just the way his ears look....

How many scientific discoveries were made by the Original Enterprise? Usually the shows involved Twisted History Worlds or Planet Eaters or Space Hippies—baddies who caused trouble on the way to "exploration." Then science advanced—& we got the HoloDeck!

I saw the original Trek series in its first run & enjoyed it—although I was already a "sophisticated" high school SF fan & recognized its limitations. The "message" of each episode was good in those days—you know, prejudice sucks, etc.; the "effects" were tacky. Over the years of endless reruns I came to love the

I bought Twin Peaks: the Complete Series on DVD more recently. The pilot is included...

Isn't Dune usually classified as science fiction?

Yes! The Mayans stayed on. They just stopped building cities....

Space-Time for Springers....

How about Connie Willis—"To Say Nothing of the Dog"? Time Travel, romance & silly Victorians.

My take: Sherlock has been in the hands of shrinks; perhaps he'd been worked up during a stint in rehab. At some point he'd received a diagnosis of High Functioning Sociopath. Was it valid? Did he accept it? Probably not—but it was a handy put-down to use against the wretched Anderson. (Sadly, the otherwise capable

Many small booksellers use Amazon to move their merchandise. I know I've bought a bunch of obscure or OOP books through Amazon.

"they" are research scientists. Who has power to DO anything? Science-denying politicians, anti-global-warming "sceptics" in the pay of Big Oil? How about "us"?

I'd like to read more about that deal. I thought that JRRT sold the movie rights during his lifetime.

Well, there's the Silmarillion. But the Tolkien Estate has that sewed up for many, many years. Because they must preserve the purity of JRRT's work! All those books they continue to cobble together from his discarded notes don't count....

I hope Romney enjoyed the NHS salute!

Yes. Some of the crewmen may have been Nazis. But not all of them.....

Now playing

BBC coverage followed a filmed introduction by Benedict Cumberbatch. On Youtube, for the sake of those subjected to The Horror That Is Matt Lauer.....

Cute. But I really love Other-In-Law's maps....

Take off the clothes you wore; wash them thoroughly or discard them. Then take a really long shower....