
But if you really like the material, you can read it & then edit it in your mind.

I got Asian Flu during the 1956 epidemic; the dosed me with paregoric, so I felt no pain.

Mexican Archaeologist Eduardo Matos Moctezuma has another fitting name. His career includes overseeing excavations at the Templo Mayor—the Aztec temple complex in Mexico City...

I hate to break it to you—but the Doctor will leave, too. Eventually. That's the way the show has survived for so long. With a bit of a long break before The 9th Doctor....

Quite a few of the Classic Who episodes are available on Netflix streaming. (As are all the New Who—except the latest Christmas episode, I believe.)

It must have been a harrowing time for him....

After hours at a restaurant/beer joint/music venue, experiments were made involving two institutional sized ladles (one with holes, one without), heated on the institutional stove burner. Place the substance in one ladle, then place the one with holes on top to fill the kitchen with smoke. Technological advances

She reigned from 1837 to 1901; what we consider the "Wild West" began after she became Queen & the frontier was closed before she died. "Victorian" just seems unnecessary in the press release....

Sorry, it's not Khan.

This is your site, not mine!

Ha! My nit-pick from the last article on the subject was also repeated in this one. I said there was no Empire; the Maya polities were never united under one ruler.

The 3rd series hasn't been shot yet, although it was OK'd when the 2nd one was.

Have you read S M Stirling's "Lords of Creation" books? Only two—set in an alternate solar system familiar to those who read old-time SF. Early discovery of these wonders turned The Cold War into a real Space Race—involving more than a dinky satellite or two plus a few visits to the Moon.

Once a show becomes a success on SyFy & contracts come up for renegotiation, actors tend to ask for more money. As they have every right to do, since their work makes more money for the suits. Then it's time to cancel the show! Eureka reached that point; Warehouse 13 hasn't. Yet.

Don't forget the ones who have horrible things happen to them—but keep on living!

Well, the major organization that tried to copywrite "For The Cure" just covered itself in something other than glory...

You sound like a conspiracy theorist.

Eating well, exercise, etc., are generally good ideas for mental & physical health. But those common sense practices have nothing to do with the scientific struggle against cancer—which is the subject of this excellent article.

So—what about the researchers & the doctors & support personnel in the cancer "industry" who get cancer? Most of them have access to excellent treatment but their survival stats aren't better than anyone else who gets good treatment. If there were a "secret cure"—would they die to protect it?

I'm probably older than Ms Handel. And I'm white! But, as a silly hippy chick, Planned Parenthood was there for me—to help me avoid having to make any hard decisions about unwanted pregnancy. (And I remember when the Republicans took that first turn for the worse—look up The Southern Strategy, when the former Party