
Or they were in The Bardo. Per Wikipedia:"Used loosely, the term "bardo" refers to the state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth." It's a Buddhist concept. The Unitarian Church of the final episode had a tapestry with major religious symbols—including Buddhist. Remember the Dharma Initiative?

They are beginning to get the idea that there will be no Musical Episode. And Wackiness will never, ever Ensue....

Things are tough all over. Our Republicans are seizing the hard times as an opportunity to & kill PBS over here; definitely not the same as the BBC, but it introduced many of us to The Doctor years ago. Of course, they try to kill PBS in the best of times; who needs anything but corporate TV? (We Firefly fans still

Melanoma is the most likely to kill you.

From the Honolulu Advertiser:

Don't be scared. Just get a skin cancer screening. And you'll probably be encouraged to schedule them from now on. It's best to catch skin cancers early; absolutely essential for melanoma....

I don't see Sansa as still hoping to marry "her prince." But she thinks he might have a bit of feeling for her—as he showed when he gave her that necklace in an earlier episode. (Of course, Cersei probably put him up to it.)

The scene that ticked you off was not the first one invented for the show; why didn't you object to any of the others? We have been seeing character depth that only appeared later in the series because chapters with "point of view" characters don't translate well to the medium of TV. Renly & Loras's relationship was

Theon Greyjoy has been around since the first episode but we finally learned his name in the previous episode, during Tyrion's visit to Winterfell. Tyrion razzed him a bit for being a hostage for his family's good behavior—although he's been treated fairly well at Winterfell.

Don't be sorry. Just go & post in threads about shows you like.

If you get BBCamerica through your cable system, you can catch Doctor Who with no interruptions On Demand—the day after the shows debut in the UK & the US. OnDemand also has the previous season without interruption—& in some cases with small edits restored. Available until November 1.

My autistic cousin's dad was an FBI agent & his mother was equally square. Not to say that drug use might not be one possible cause—but don't blame the parents of every autistic kid.

Yeah, but my autistic cousin was my aunt's first baby; none of his younger sibs have autism. Your sister needs to look at studies using only the mother's age as a data point.

Perhaps you should stop hanging out with fools! I liked Tennant a lot but Matt Smith is a truly excellent Doctor.

The Sarah Jane Adventures seemed to fit the "younger kid" demographics.

I'd say just watch the series as it airs & read the book—either simultaneously or just after the series ends. For one thing—no character I've seen so far violates my sense of how they should look. Yes, the story is being told in a different style on the screen than in the book. But GRRM (the author) has been

I read the whole series of books recently & I'm enjoying the TV series. I'm sure the fans who have read the books numerous times love them more than I do & I can understand why they are so upset by any difference.

The Doctor's Daughter probably won't reappear any time soon. The actress is busy with her little girl, born in March. She & the father are engaged; he is, of course, David Tennant. And the actress's father is Peter Davison—The Fifth Doctor.

Yes, I, too, have gotten used to Netflix Streaming (where I can watch all the Eccleston/Tennant years without interruption) & Comcast On Demand (which has last year's shows running through 11/1/2011—without interruption & sometimes including bits cut from the BBCamerica broadcast versions).

The utterly unnecessary Amy voiceover that BBCamerica used reminded us that "we've been running ever since." After showing us that she & Rory had, indeed, stopped running with The Doctor. Perhaps there's a reason they left the TARDIS—2 months before they got the invitation? Long enough for Amy to begin wearing