
A lot of the time predators develop some kind of beauty. To draw people in. Because beauty and meaning are artifice and can be simulated by someone with enough workmanship. Which is to say don’t trust musicians.

is that archer?

Nope I would not be fine with that. Any big wedding would be 3/4 for my family. That’s how south asians are

That last paragraph sounds like one of those scenes before something terrible happens because of the Gods in “The Metamorphoses”. Damn Ovid was a good writer.

But she’s a woman...

Wasn’t this a joke on Steven Colbert’s recent takeover of some random public access channel?

Are you scrooge mcduck?

Someone needs to take power away from these nerds

I love how they played that small clip from cartoons and cereal. That was a great song

Yeah I try to avoid telling anyone where I live because its a dead giveaway as to how much money my parents make. Also, people ask me about rent and tuition and stuff and i’m like ???

If he had answered in earnest about his methods he would have told them some stories of chairhumping brutality and manipulation. He may have been an effective leader. But I question the extent to which it is right to expose children with leadership potential to the idea that violence and manipulation are effective

We’re not teaching kids the right things if they’re looking up to violent sociopaths like that. These are the type of stupid girls who end up joining Isis

eat pray love

boy do i wish i had time for all that fun stuff :(

boy do i wish i had time for all that fun stuff :(

I guess like they let him go ‘cause he was giving up a competitive advantage instead of gaining one

dayj loaf

The whole point of the show’s plot is that it made sense in the context of the mythic atmosphere. Whatever that other commenter is saying about oneiric i guess idk about fancy english major terms

That’s what dudes talk about when they think no one’s listening. Also what porn’s good but not in too much detail.

Wasn’t this a whole thing in “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao”? The whole dominicans and haitians thing? idr