
So basically mistake one was to make Fable “Game as a service” something nobody asked for or wanted as Fable is a god damn RPG FRANCHISE! Then the second issue was they spent a lot of money “Trying to make it fun” which seems to be something you’d want locked down before you know spending a lot of money. Then of

Pokemons and Dragon Quests though. I’m honestly okay just with those for new games.

there is room enough for different expressions of cosplay without being insulting about it. it brings the wrong kind of energy to the hobby.

Game Maker: “We have listened to fan complaints and have changes some aspects of our game accordingly.”

So GGs were complaining about censorship in Nintendo games, and now want Baldur’s Gate to be censored.

Not a fan of the tone of this article. Everyone should feel bad for poor ol Palmer, getting flak from people who want what they paid for. boo hoo.

This is sad to say and I hope this comment never finds it’s way to Miyamoto, but it has gotten to the point where when I hear he is getting directly involved in a game, I start to loose interest.

Dear Nintendo,

Be right back, going to hug my “old” 3DS XL and cry :(

A Price Of Games Journalism

It doesn’t matter which company is mad at us today, or which companies get mad at us in the future. You’ll continue