No need to arbitrarily start fanboy wars. This isn’t IGN.
No need to arbitrarily start fanboy wars. This isn’t IGN.
This is just exaggeration, this was never the case. I mean, Dying Light is 66% off and it literally came out THIS YEAR. Expecting a bigger discount on a major 2015 release is daft.
The phones are free
Dudo que un usuario de iPhone quiera ponerle esta funda, pero como estrategia publicitaria está muy buena la idea.
Fleeing violence and starvation in their native country, the refugees arrived in their new home only to be ridiculed…
Kind of, yeah. That’s kind of how science works. There’s a lot of maybes with scientific research and it’s foolish to say something is definitive until it is.
Honestly anyone that looks at the technology advancement that is happening with Electric Powered vehicles can see that by 2050, we won’t NEED the internal combustion engine anymore. Electric motors are much more versatile, powerful, and simple than the craziness of an ICE.
I would do the same from a strategic point of view. If your AI is to sell those squishy humans better not fear the first generations, at least until there’s enough trust for the take over.
You know what? NO. As an adult, Xmas presents mostly suck. As an adult, Thanksgiving kind of sucks because you can’t pig out anymore without guilt (and maybe also heartburn and what have you). As an adult Halloween sucks because you don’t get to go get a bag of free candy like you used to, and if you do, it’s the same…
Fuck this dude. He sounds like an annoying asshole.
Damn, that was a great trailer. Excited about this!
Go play Eve.
In just two minutes, Bernie Sanders tells America: what the name of his Ben & Jerry’s flavor would be (“Burn Bernie…
Maybe illegal immigrants should vote. Maybe they will do a better job at picking presidents than the American people :-\
never seen that photo
Yes, learn how to grasp a gun. What could possibly go wrong?
Obviously a case where abortion is just fine.
We shouldnt stop science research just because some people might be offended.
Oh, look: yet another rube who thinks that there is something weird or unusual about a media-centric web outlet commenting on other web outlets.
Nope. Loved it.