
He only had the most stressful job in the fucking world for eight fucking years. He’s a fucking private fucking citizen and can do whatever the fuck he wants.

In my shame and indolence, the only Philip Roth I own is “The Plot Against America” which is an alternate history / partial biography blend and is thoroughly chilling. I have been wanting to revisit it for years but as the subject matter deals with the subtle (then not so subtle) rise of fascism and its horrific

Sometimes I fantasise about the women of the world pulling a Lysistrata 2.0. No sex for the men until ALL THE BULLSHIT ENDS, ALL OF IT. No reproductive rights or sexual health care? Better not risk getting knocked up or catching something then - no sex. No such thing as rape, just a silly woman misunderstanding a

And here’s where I share my true fear. That trump will be re-elected in 2020, because if Congress doesn’t go blue, there will be no check on trump, and his support will grow as people will believe the witchhunt spin, because they’re stupid. The democrats will be busy fighting and won’t put up a charismatic candidate.

States are getting bolder with their restrictions and the Supreme Court is worrying me with their recent choices. I fear that they might decide poorly with any cases that make it that far. I share your pessimism, I’m afraid.

If the midterms are in the Republicans favor, I wholeheartedly believe they will push to outlaw abortion. States are getting bolder and bolder with their restrictions.

I agree. Every time I see the statement, it makes me furious because it absolves them of the white supremacy that they support.

Thank you. Women who voted for Trump knew exactly what they were doing.

but this is what happens when fifty-three percent of white women vote against their self-interest

I ask myself the same question all the time. Some things are really, really, hard to come back from. Once you start marching in a particular direction, there’s really no turning back—the damage is done.

Fun fact: No one in America respects Jared, either. The campaign wheeled him out as the pretty boy.... but boy sure aint pretty. They pushed him as the smart one.... but boy sure aint smart, either. They sold him as a young Trump doppelgänger, as a successful business deal man... but the only thing boy is good at is

Parked in a bad spot and had my car towed. Was feeling pretty shitty being out $$$.

His hermana es named Lucyfer.

I don’t understand why, but there is some subset of humanity that takes pleasure in the fact that they have just pissed someone off. They don’t care if they are right, or if their point is in any way defensible. Just that someone else is upset at some stupid shit they said.

Lucian B. Wintrich

If I am being totally honest, sometimes I am a little jealous of these people who just have zero shame. How easy life must be for them.

I’m pretty sure he never said, “I have a dream we will make continuous references to people’s sexuality and whether they’re white or not... oh, and capitalism is bad too..”

So, by McCain’s logic, only heroin addicts can talk about the opioid crisis. Only pedophiles can talk about how to stop pedophiles. Only those that collude with foreign powers can talk about how to stop people from colluding with foreign powers.