I think it's awesome because I don't drive around with drugs in my car. I like the idea of a non checkpoint because it doesn't waste any of my time unlike a traditional checkpoint. And I think it's funny to have paranoid drug traffickers freak out and throw drugs out their windows and do crazy U turns in the…
It's more like "ew exessive weight due to excessive regulations". You can make cars safe without having 100 airbags and tons of extra weight, but the US government protects people who are too stupid to buckle up with the unbelted occupant test requirements. It's beyond idiotic.
This man is my hero, and he should be yours. Even if this car couldn't be repaired, i know its sacrilegious to say so but, who needs one more vintage Bugatti sitting in a museum or a private collection?
Thanks, I was scrolling to see if anyone else noticed that. How did it get by the editor of a car fansite AND everyone else above this, I don't know. (Except maybe everyone on here is 20 and has no memories of the 80's)
FWIW, they're using a Buick LeSabre/Electra (hard to distinguish), the Olds is just sitting there
He sure WRXs that car
at least he cleaned all the crap out of his car in just a days time!
They are just telling you their previous car was a Jimmy.
After seeing video of the PEPCON blast in Henderson, NV if I see anything remotely industrial looking on fire, I am out of there. You won't even see me...Just a couple of long tire marks where I used to be and maybe my shadow trying to catch up.
So idiots will buy them.
Clearly not, if I had, I could have missed the tree entirely. Unfortunately, Cobb doesn't make them for column shifters.